• Reference
  • Title
    Letter from Bernard Barton of Woodbridge [Suffolk] [Concise Dictionary of National Biography entry: 1784-1849, poet; of Quaker parentage; coal and corn merchant at Woodbridge 1807; banking clerk at Woodbridge 1809-49; he formed a close friendship with Lamb, and was intimately acquainted with Southey and other literary men of his time; published "The Convict's Appeal" (1818), "Household Verses" (1845) and other volumes of poems] to J. & G.Procter, snuff and tobacco manufacturers and importers of German snuff boxes Respected Friends I am about to submit to you a very curious proposition, which, whether acceded to, or not, will I hope be taken as it is meant, in good part. Of course you will determine respecting it with just the same frankness as I adopt in making the application. Understanding that you have on Sale a Variety of handsome Papier Mache Boxes, imported from the Continent, and containing in their lids beautiful Views of actual Scenery, finely executed; I requested a fair friend of mine whose taste I thought might ensure me a Nonpareil, to call and get me one; calculating in my gothic ignorance of these matters, that I might have a Paragon for a Pound Note; to my disappointment, however, she has return'd with a quarter of a Pound of excellent 37 cut with no Box, said Boxes being, it seems just double the price I had calculated. Poets are proverbially poor, and I am not such an exception to the rule as to be able to lay out Two Pounds for a Snuff Box. But if I can earn one, and at the same time promote the sale of the article on your part, or give such publicity to your shop as the Mart for these articles, perhaps my inclinations may be gratified without any compromise of your Interest. To show you that I have before rhymed on such a Subject, I send herewith an early production of mine which never was publicly sold, only 150 copies having been printed: at Page 39 you will find a Poetical Tribute to a Pearl Snuff Box; which, not only as praising the Box, but openly advocating its use, ought I think to plead my cause with dealers in Tabac. If you incline to send me down by Coach from The Four Swans, Bishopsgate, carefully packed up, and address'd to Bernard Barton, Woodbridge, Suffolk one of these said Boxes, with a and poetical and picturesque landscape on it, I will in an early in No. in one or other of our leading Magazines insert some Stanzas in praise of Papier Mache Snuff Boxes, and subjoin a Note stating where fine specimens of them may be purchased; and you may have the accompanying Volume into the Bargain, if you are Bookish enough to set any value by it and I should think the names of Tom Moore, Southey and Wordsworth as subscribers may satisfy you it has some poetical claims. As I have since in my avowed Name publish'd Volumes of a graver Cast, I cannot pledge myself to affix my Signature to a jeu d'esprit of the kind I now propose; nor am I particularly ambitious of having it known that I write Poetical Shop Bills, lest I should have more orders then I can well execute and I could not write "con amore" on other Subjects so well as on a Snuff Box. I therefore make this proposition to you in good faith that whether acceded to, or not, it rests between ourselves. If you like to have the Verses yourselves, to print, and lay about your Counter after I have sent them to a Magazine - good! only, if you decline the proposition in toto, you will have the politeness to write and say so, and I will then request a Friend to call for this Volume, of which I have no other Copy.
  • Date free text
    22 Jul 1822
  • Production date
    From: 1822 To: 1822
  • Level of description