• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Henry Phillips, John Jackson, William Barratt and other Trustees of Primitive Methodist Chapel, Biggleswade, to copyhold hereditaments at Biggleswade, abstracted by William Thomas Chapman of Biggleswade, solicitor, abstracting: (I) surrender by indenture of 6 Mar 1854 Parties: (1) Robert Hodges of Biggleswade, gardener and Sarah, his wife; (2) Thomas Samuel of Biggleswade, pattern maker and Elizabeth, his wife; (3) Henry Phillips of Biggleswade, currier, John Jackson and William Barratt of Biggleswade, labourers, John Odell of Caldecote, gardener and William Wheatley, Charles Thompson, John Rawlings and George Woodward of Caldecote, labourers and Edward Powell of Baldock [Hertfordshire], minister Reciting: - mortgage of 28 May 1814 for 140 secured on (a) between John Carrington and Thomas Horn; - surrender of 20-21 Apr 1827 appointing half (a) to Sarah Hodges - bond and further charge of 5 Apr 1821 for 60 secured on (a) between John Carrington and Thomas Horn; - mortgage of 6 Nov 1849 for 60 on half (a) between Robert and Sarah Hodges and John Horn and his sisters Susan Horn and [blank] Horn Operative Part:; - (1)-(2) with consent of John Horn of Little Wymondley [Hertfordshire], farmer, sole executor of Thomas Horn of Wellbury, Offley [Hertfordshire], farmer, deceased, who Thomas Chapman and Elizabeth his wife and Charles Thomas Gardner surrendered (a) to use of (3) for 230 of which 65 was paid to William Thomas Chapman and Elizabeth, his wife, in her right and 50 in his own right (making 115, or half the sum being the moiety of Robert and Sarah Hodges), 97/5/- to William Thomas Chapman in his own right and 17/15/- to Charles Thomas Gardner of Biggleswade, stationer (making 115, or half the money being moiety of Thomas and Elizabeth Samuel) Property: (a) cottage, now occupied as 2 tenements, in Shortmead End, Biggleswade with garden adjoining, formerly in occupation of John Wright, afterwards John Carrington, baker, afterwards John Carrington, his son, then Robert Hodges and Thomas Samuel; with all appurtenances except right of common belonging which had been sold to John Nathaniel Foster of Biggleswade, merchant Habendum: - to (3) in trust to build a chapel of Primitive Methodist Connexion and permit its use as a chapel, meeting place and school for Primitive Methodists in conformity with deed poll of 5 Feb 1830 of Hugh Bourne, James Bourne and William Clowes, subject that if the connexion in Biggleswade was so reduced as to be unsupportable or grew so large that the chapel was inadequate, trustees has power of sale (II) Enrolment of (I) in Chancery on 9 May 1854 (III) Admission of 28 Apr 1854 of Henry Phillips, John Jackson, William Barratt, John Odell, William Wheatley, Charles Thompson, John Rawlings, George Woodward and Edward Powell to premises in (I) (IV) Conditional Surrender of 28 Apr 1854 of Henry Phillips, John Jackson, William Barratt, John Odell, William Wheatley, Charles Thompson, John Rawlings, George Woodward and Edward Powell in consideration of 200 lent at 5% interest to use of William Thomas Chapman of (a) in (I)
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1814 To: 1873
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