• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Charles Wells Limited to Three Tuns Public House, Castle Lane, Bedford; abstracted by Tebbs & Son of Bedford; abstracting: (I) Conveyance of 7 May 1920 Parties: (1) Mary Jarvis of 73 Midland Road, Bedford, widow; Henry Young junior of 170 Bromham Road, Bedford, architect and surveyor; (2) Charles Wells Limited Reciting: - Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis had carried on the business of brewers and wine and spirit merchants for many years under the name of Jarvis & Company and had owned properties in schedules [not abstracted except for Three Tuns]; - death of Robert Page Jarvis on 9 Feb 1912 having, by his will of 3 Sep 1898 (proved in PPR on 9 Mar 1912 by John James Bedney Arter) appointed his wife Louisa and John James Bedney Arter as executors; - death of Louisa Jarvis on 15 Oct 1915 without proving her husband's will; - will of Walter Jarvis of 20 Oct 1914 appointing Mary Jarvis and Henry Young executors and trustees and devising to them all his real estate in trust for sale; - death of Walter Jarvis on 2 Jan 1915 and proof of his will in Northampton DPR on 10 Apr 1915; - indenture of 4 Dec 1915 (1) John James Bedney Arter; (2) Mary Jarvis and Henry Young in which share of Robert Page Jarvis in premises in first schedule [not abstracted but including Three Tuns] were released by (1) to (2); - Mary Jarvis and Henry Young had continued business of Jarvis & Company; - conditional contract of 20 Sep 1917 in which (1) agreed to sell Jarvis & Company to (2) for 90,000; - Order in Chancery of 29 Oct 1917 in action Arnold v.Jarvis (1915.J.No.1918) in which Mary Ann Arnold, as tenant for life under will of Walter Jarvis, was plaintiff and (2) were defendants; ordering conditional contract, as varied thereby, carried into effect and money paid into court; - payment of purchase money into court; Operative Part: - (1) conveyed properties including Three Tuns [described as public house on S side of Castle Lane, Bedford, St.Paul known as Three Tuns with millwright's shop and other outbuildings, yard and hereditaments belonging formerly consisting of messuage (used as a private house), yard, outbuildings, slaughterhouse, stables, barns and hereditaments in occupation of Amos White; abutting: N on Castle Lane; W on premises formerly of George Wells; part S on wall formerly of George Wells part of ancient wall of Bedford Castle; part S and E by other property formerly of George Wells] to (2) for 9,000, 70,000 and repayment to (2) of 3,076/6/3 (II) Memorandum endorsed on (I) of conveyance of Three tuns to North Bedfordshire Borough Council on 23 Dec 1975
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1920 To: 1975
  • Level of description