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  • Title
    [Albans] - Luton & Leighton MM. Minutes & Accounts
  • Date free text
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    From: 1699 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Folio vol., original parchment binding, 358 pp.; (lacks 1754-5) in general well kept, but at intervals less good; the period 1699-1702 has been copied from an earlier "disorderly" book and "methodised" - see n. p.2; for 1754-5, see 82 pp. 3-8; minutes occupy 309 pp.; on cover (v. faint) "this book belongs to the MM of business held at Market St. for the --- Bedfordshire & --- Hertfordshire"; (addn.) "the MM now held at Luton" at end: accounts, 49pp. Indications as to organisation: YM & Sufferings: examples:- p. 18 "public collection" recomm'd by YM: small 26 report of; p. 28 recording of sufferings; 47 epistle reported; some paragraphs to be "drawn out"; also consideration of "MS" from YM about young people 51 general collection as recommended in YM epistle (£4-3-6); other refs. (e.g. p. 83) 74 records to be put in order 128 calendar alteration: (Sufferings says 1st month will now be January) 1751 128 YM says MMs should choose 2 or more Friends to visit families "to stir up Friends to diligence in every part of our Christian testimony": 3 appointed; 139 YM espistles received "& dispersed to the several families; 145 YM epistle again urges visiting: Friends apptd. to do so at first opportunity; 153 YM epistles given to Friends (also p. 158); 169 YM appoints 8 Friends to visit QMs & MMs. 1761. QM: examples:- 5 QM says speedy & liberal collection required in county, 1754 6 QM sends printed rules about marriage 24-5 meetingplace of QM: hitherto has rotated (Kempston Hardwick, p.5, Pulloxhill, p.6, Clifton p.19, Dunstable, p.24); desirable to settle in one place; to be at Pulloxhill every 3rd day before quarter-day; 140 to rotate again: (Easter, Luton; Midsummer, Pulloxhill; Michaelmas, Ampthill; winter, Pulloxhill), p.140; "the 4th day before quarter-day as usual" Attendance etc.: large & good, 1750 (p.124) 1751 (128) small but good, 1750 (p.125); sometimes "not large but hope good"; satisfactory, 1764 (p.193); comfortable (p.139); 134 approves transfer of Markyate to Dunstable, 1753 MM organisation:- The MM originally consisted of Market St. & Sewell, Hemel, Albans (note at front adds "in 1703 the Friends of Hempstead & Albans left us"); Dunstable added 1712 (p.40); Luton 1748 (p.119) There are occasional references to other MMs (e.g. "the MM at Kempston Hardwick" p.24) the meetingplace of this MM was suggested 1748 to Dunstable, p.117; finalised 1758, p.133 (perhaps better attendance - only 5 present); later to Luton; time (not quite clear - p.119 alter meeting for worship to 11th hour?; p.120, p.123 no change); records: p.51 a note is to be made in the book that MM took place, even though no business requires a minute, as "many times" previously; Uncertainty with Herts.: 1699-1703 4-5 QM "some years" since allowed an MM for Hempstead, Redborne, "Harding" & Albans; some "without the concurrence of the rest" got up an MM at Albans; QM referred to this MM; to be further considered; deputation to Albans; 8 Herts. QM writes about the "new erected" Albans MM, 1700 (no details); 5,11 Some Albans Friends continue to attend this MM; 13 Hempstead Friends report meeting of Herts. Friends to settle MM for Hempstead, "Harding", Redborn, Albans, Hertford, Rickmansworth, Flanden, "& to come and belong unto the QM at Hertford", 1701; 15 Herts. should not have asked for help in a Friend's loss by fire; 20 (reads as if MM only Market St. & Sewell); 23 two Hempstead Friends present; p.53 coll. for buryinggd. & mtgho., Hemel £13-9-0 (1719) Meetingplace of MM: & mtgs.: 40 1712 in future: Dunstable 2 in summer, 1 winter Markyate 1 1 Sewell 1 The weekday meeting always at Dunstable 42 the weekday meeting to be at Sewell 1 in 3 weeks, summer (Friends being "uneasy") 44 1st day meetings to be at Dunstable, Markyate, Sewell: 1 in 3 weeks 1713 till Michaelmas; 46 1st day meeting to alternate between Dunstable & Markyate in winter, 1714 133 considered moving MM to Dunstable and 1st day to Luton; to be put to QM; approved by QM, 1753; 144 considered to have 1st day meeting begin at 11, but several Friends object - it would not suit; 148 "the meeting at Luton to begin at the 11th hour, so that they may have an afternoon meeting 3rd hour" 162-3 Luton desires to have "the weekday meeting" always at Luton, and begin at 10; also MM; referred to QM; QM leaves liberty; so both to be at Luton; p.168 lasts overnight (27-28 Feb. 1761); next morning at 11; 169 the 8 Friends appointed by YM to visit QM & MM attended MM "much to our comfort and satisfaction"; (evidently they said attendance at MM should be recorded - this begins here - 9 men) 189 visiting of families (cf. YM epistle p. 139) the 3 appointed desired to do so before QM, 1763 199 Dunstable mtg. to be at 11th hour, 1765 260 visiting of families 1773 302 5 Friends (? from YM) attend "on the general visitation" 1776 Constituent PMS.: (see also meetinghouses) 143 MM appoints 2 Friends "to have oversight of our Particular Meetings"; if anything amiss, discipline to be put in practice; (p.165 another Friend apptd. in place of dcd.) Sewell: 59,77,94 removal from considered, 1721,1728,1737, 102 conference about burying-gd., 1741; new trust deed; 103 3 meetings in summer, 1742 103 Jn Chester buried there; (thenceforward every year the question arises: 2 meetings in summer, 1743, p.105; but usually 3, p.114, 120, 124, 127, 130, 132 etc. 221 metgho. much decayed, 1769; repaired, p.222; 308 2 meetings in summer, 1778; Individual Friends noted: 106-7 Jn Gunnis goes to Ampthill, 1744 (Treasurer) 70 Jn Freeth comes to Luton from Hinckley, 1725 135 Jn Prior to Luton "from W. Hyde nr. Albans" 1753 7 Dan Brown, Luton, 1700; he m. Eliz Tomson, Baldock (p.35) 22 Jn Bunyon of London, 1702 Attendance at MM noted (i.e. after p.169) Brown, Dan, Dan jr, Jn, Jos, Rich Freeth, Jn, Jn jr, Wm Humphry, Edm Hill, Elias Perrin, Jer Pryor, Jn, Chris Women's Meeting 83 "our number of Friends being small... agreed the women meet with the men in time of worship", 1730 169 establishment of a women's meeting agreed, 1761 (Dan Brown & Edm Humphry to assist) 170 (they did so) Ministers & elders 150 to meet at Luton yearly, 4th hour, 3rd day before QM 1757 168 "as usual" 4 p.m. before QM, 1761 169 at next MM, elders to be chosen "agreeable to the directions of YM", 1761 General business passim: delegates to QM & YM queries (answers to QM twice a year, spring/autumn) sufferings (a good list p.248, 1772: 11 names, total £22-14-6½; most Joan Dean £5-8-0; 10 names, £92, p.283) the general collection (local Friends receive, and hand to "those apptd. by YM") inspection of accounts; marriage; removals; Meetinghouses Sewell: p.7-8 writings to be perused, trustees apptd.; p.102 new trust deed; p.221-2 mtgho. repaired; Market St. p.25 surrender of arranged (i.e. trustees) p.150 sold for £17-6-6, 1758 Dagnall: new trust for burying-gd., 1771 (p.236) Dunstable: p. 39 several times considered; subscriptions to be got to buy gd. and build mtgho. 1711 ground bought; £77-7-0 in hand; 5 Friends apptd. to act; p.40 finished; cost of (p.42); 1712 p.44 £15 collected for "deficiency"; p.55 forms altered p.195 to be re-floored, 1764; p.203 new trust deed reqd. p.297 few Friends resident, 1776; instead of fortnightly, to be second 1st day; Luton: p.101 laid before QM: meeting once a month, 1741 p.119 Dan Brown has fitted up mtgho. on his premises; rent to be paid; cost of gallery & forms, 1749 p.173 to be enlarged, 1761 Discipline 5 T. Lawrance to be disowned - he "slights their kindness & labour of love"; when this was read, however, he seemed concerned - so wait; 23-5 "wickedness & disownment 34 a Friend "run away in debt" 134 absence & disorderly conduct (the Friend sorry, p.135) 143 adultery (Totternhoe), of light esteem, now with child - disowned 152-67 Chas Barnes sr. & jr. of Ivinghoe Aston; 174 misconduct; mediation in disagreement between father & son, son still "disorderly"; visit put off; not agreeable (p.162), 1723; finally disowned: certificate of disownment: "Chas. Barnes of Ivinghoe Aston hath professed to be one of the people called Quakers, but for several years hath visibly to us declined from the holy truth, and his evil practices & vain conversation have been a burden to us... (tried to advise him as to circumspect walking... too apparent that admonitions ineffectual; lately married to person of infamous character... for the clearing of truth from scandal... now no longer a member... pray Almighty God for his sincere repentance), 1761." other certs. pp. 177, 202, 227, 250 (2), 259, 270, 275, 290. 298. p.167 Jn Bean to be spoke to (walked disorderly) 168 Dan Brown spoke to Jn Bean of Dunstable, 1761 - "he took it kind" 213 Friend drinks (took remonstrance kindly); another p.227 228 absent from Meeting; visited; "not so agreeable as could be wished; 229 conduct gives uneasiness; visit not so satisfactory etc. 232 not inclinable 236,239,242,261 unsatisfactory visits 257 Wm Freeth (bro. of Jn) insolvent - gt. scandal; 260 sorrow for misconduct; 268 "not at all to satisfaction (etc.)" Marriage 5,22,29,40,110-5,172,273 marriage by priest (p.40 found tender) 114 she has entirely left Friends & goes with her husband to the steeplehouse 115 Friends should have been told when she began to keep company outside the Society 177,201 marriage out of Society (e.g. 197: within Society: Friend to see orderly conducted) Membership (new applications v. few) 194 not sufficiently convinced at present 230 to be visited 239-40 new member "good grounds to hope he is convinced" 269 new member Charity 4 brief for Lancaster 6 "v. poor Friend" 12-3 regular subscription agreed on 15 loss by fire 28 poverty 50 smallpox (to have 20d. from public stock) 57 poor at Langford 69 Langford MM again in trouble, 1725 104 Wid. Coleman left £5 for poor, 1742 122 Rich Mims, Kensworth, £5, 1749 195 apprenticeship, 2 gns. 208 settling affairs of aged Friend, 1766; p.308 for America 1778 Books p. 11 books 12 Barclay 14,20 division of (on partition of MM), Albans & Hempstead taking their share, 1703 26 Fox's "doctrinal books" 30-1 several books out in Friends' hands; value of all books £5 42 value £6-3-5½ 79 books 138 3 copies of Ben Holmes' Life 165-6 three Friends in charge; to examine books "in chest" 167 J. Crook's books received from Sufferings & distrib. 168 books to be entered in book 246 what books are wanting among those not able to buy? 267 evidently a "correspondent" for Meeting for Sufferings. School 25 proposed Travelling Friends 45 concern of Margt Pain to visit "several counties" 1714 57 concern of Margt Pain to visit America, 1720 59 She returns; several certificates; "good & satis. account of her conversation there", 1721 66 She plans to go again; £10 from stock, 1723; 67 but doesn't go & returns it, 1725; (marries 1726, p.71) 97 Jn Gunnis visits Friends in West, 1739 165 Jn Freeth sr. wants to visit Essex, Suffolk, 167 Norfolk, 1760; "much to his satisfaction"; 198 Edm Humphrey to visit London, 1765 204 Jn Freeth to visit London, 1766 Miscellaneous 3 horses of public Friends to be entertained at an inn 3 collection to aid 2 Berkhamsted Friends who have been robbed 5 emigration: Friend thinks of going to America (does not); 54-5 Friend thinks of going to America; first enquiry not satisfactory; later a certif. is sent to Philadelphia; 60 affirmation of testimonies (reading of epistle), 1722 128 calendar change (letter from Sufferings): 1st mth = Jan 1751 147 birth notes to be brought in for entry into register 308 collection for relief of Friends in America, 1778 Places noted (not all) Totternhoe (12), Toddington (19), Houghton Regis (22), Kensworth (22), Dunstable (23), Leighton (34), Langford (57), Ivinghoe Aston (58), Barton (67), Luton (70), Leagrave (74), Bedford (181), Stotfold (195), Sundon (213) (Loose) certificate of disownment for Thos Adcock, Leighton, weaver, in debt and has withdrawn himself, 12/6/1709 sd Thos Robins letter from T. Cookfeild, Upton, to Thos Squire, 1757 schoolmaster, Hemel, respecting payment of 1 gn. annually to (Judith Meading?); desire none of the Meeting may know it; on dorse: draft letter ot E. Lofty, much corrected, referring to his daughter, in some difficulty - not clear; "a mother's fondness" occurs. 3pp. notes on pedigree (? Brown connections (Victorian hand)) Finance (some refs. in the minutes, e.g. to annual audit or checking; p.33 public stock v. low; also occasional accounts on pp. 137, 141, 143, 151, 156, 161. 306-7) the actual accounts are at the reverse end of the book: p.6-49 (these are 1699-1759: for the later ones see pp. above) "Money collected for relief of the poor amongst us & other general services of truth, and account of the disposing: (the accounts for 1704-10 could not be brought right - in future to be fairly stated) court case: p. 23 charges of the court at Bedford on Jn Horn's account 33 Joshua Wheeler for a poor woman in Bedford gaol 35 More to J.W. for widow Lucas sufferings: Jn Willie - jr. £6.6.0. towards the great charge in his suffering by the priest of Harlington for his not paying him his demands, 1726 (and see minutes passim for sufferings) Friends' horses: passim bier: "use of carriage" (e.g. 32), greasing the carriage (41,45) later called burial cart. legacies: occasionally books: p. 12 primers, also p.33 16 Robt Barclay 47 T. Story's Journal also p.35,38 miscellaneous: e.g. p.40 occasionally money received for use of sheep pen at Dunstable loose: 1769 fragment of farm & personal accounts (heifer, chaise); on dorse: "Mr. Squire, pleas to send by the barer 12 pd. of tenpeny nails 6pd of eightpeny nails, 6pd of fivepeny nails for yours Dan Child" (Squire seems to have been schoolmaster at Hemel) Finance treasurers noted: Jn Robbins, Jos Dodd, Jn Gunnis p. 6 list of amounts collected (1700 10s. to 16s. monthly); 19 Mich Collman's collection written off for 20 months, "he not paying of it" meetinghouses (some noted earlier in minutes):- -place not always given, e.g. "tiling the meetinghouse", repairing the meetinghouse (p.13), mending the chest lock (p.35) Market St.: 7 renewing surrender (i.e. trust); fine, p; 23,37,45 repairs; 33,35 glazing; 47 altering forms Sewell: regular rent for enlargement of burial ground 29 paling burial ground 16,33,41,43,45 mending meetinghouse 35 mending forms 39 writings for Dunstable: 19 altering forms 22,32,37,45 repairs at 43,45,47 cleaning at (2/6 qtr.) 41 burial ground at Luton: 47 fittings at 49 rent for Charity p. 10 bequest by Thos Matthews of Toddington divided betw. Pulloxhill & Market St. MMs. 35 wid. Gregg (has 5s. monthly till her d. 1745); various other widows, esp. p.39; p.15 gown for wid. Liberty. 37 Martha Coleman's rent 39 Jn Hall to buy wood 31 etc. Joan's rent, Joan's windows (?Joan Larrance) 33 down for his bed, bedstead & cord, bed tich, pr. sheets, tester & set of curtains, straw bed for J. Robins
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