• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of title of Mrs Jessie Blyth-King to freehold hereditaments in the parish of Westoning. Abstracting as follows: (I) Will dated 10 Oct 1863 of the Reverend John William Coventry Campion of Westoning, appointing his wife, Anne Campion, and his children John Gadsby Campion and Percy Ann Campion as his executors, and after devising trust and mortgage estates, bequeathed all other his real and personal estate to his wife during her widowhood, and after her death or remarriage devised the same to his son, subject to the legacy hereinafter mentioned, being after her marriage his wife should receive an annuity of 150 p.a. charged upon his real Estate, and he bequeathed to his daughter a legacy of 5000 on the death or remarriage of his wife, to be charged on his real and personal estate. (II) On 26 Dec 1872 JWCC died, and (I) was proved on 22 Jan 1877 at Northampton by Ann Coventry Campion, John Gadsby Coventry Campion and Percy Ann Coventry Campion, the said executors of the will. (III) Indenture dated 17 Nov 1877 being a marriage settlement. Parties (i) PACC, spinster (ii) William Pritzler Newland of Bedford, brewer and wine merchant (iii) ACC, widow (iv) JGCC and James Pearse of Bedford, solicitor Recitals - intended marriage between (i) and (ii) - title of (i) to legacy of 5000 under the will of JWCC, and to certain scheduled stocks and shares - agreement for the settlement of the said legacy and shares Operative Part - (i) assigned to (iv) all that said legacy of 5000 to which she was entitled to under the will of JWCC and all the estate etc to hold in trust for (i) until and after the solemization thereof. Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill and Tingrith (IV) Indenture [of Mortgage] dated 14 Jul 1886 from JGCC (as Mortgagor) (i) to the Honourable Sir Henry Mainsty of Bryanstone Square in the County of Middlesex, knight, the Honourable Alfred Erskine Gathorne Hardy of the Inner Temple, barrister, Edmond Robert Turner of Saltburn, in the county of Yorkshire esq. and William Frederick Higgins of Chester Place in the county of Middlesex, esq., Master in Bankruptcy (as the Trustees of the Law Life Assurance Company) (ii), of: - all and singular the messuages and tenements in the several parishes of Westoning, Pulloxhill and Tingrith, the parishes as scheduled, (excluding Pulloxhill) including the following: - The Manor House and Grounds Mrs Campion - Clayhill Farm Mr Josiah Crisp - The Bell Inn Mrs Charlotte Taylor To secure a loan of 4250, to be repaid on 14 Jan 1887, with interest at 6% p.a, subject to the interest of ACC during her widowhood to the said annuity of 150 should the same become payable and to the said legacy of 5000. Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and in the parish of St. Mary's, Bedford (V) Indenture of Mortgage dated 9 Jan 1890 from JGCC (as Mortgagor) to Joshua Hawkins of Bedford, gentleman (as Mortgagee) to secure a loan of 2500, to be repaid on 25 Mar 1891, with interest at 4 10s % p.a., of: - comprises of the property in St. Mary's, Bedford, not in the subject this abstract - another lot of property not the subject of this abstract Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and in the parish of St. Cuthbert, Bedford (VI) Indenture [of Mortgage] dated 19 Jun 1891 from JGCC (as Mortgagor) (i) to Caroline Eliza Leach, widow and Arthur Francis Leach of 34 Elm Park Gardens, Middlesex, barrister at law (ii) and Sarah Catherine Beatrice Leach of Ashcliffe Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, spinster (iii), to secure a loan of 1750 (out of monies belonging to (ii)) and 250 (loaned by (iii) to (i)), to be repaid on 19 Dec 1891, with interest at 5% p.a., subject to the before recited annuity of 150 and legacy of 5000, of: - property not the subject of this abstract. - a building and pieces of pasture land and a piece of arable land comprising of 8/2/2 then or late in the occupation of Joseph Spring. Seven eighths to the use of CEL and AFL, the remaining eighth to the use of SCBL. Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and in the parish of St. Mary's, Bedford (VII) Death of James Pearse on 19 Jan 1892, who was buried at Bedford - Will dated 25 Mar 1891 of JH appointing Walter Hazell, Arthur Ransom and Aurelius Louis Gliddon as his executors and Trustees. - Death of JH on 28 Apr 1892, and his will proved by the said executors and trustees on 8 Jul 1892. - Death of ACC on 23 Jun 1893, who was buried at Westoning Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and in the parish of St. Cuthbert, Bedford (VIII) Indenture dated 15 Aug 1893 supplemental to (VI) between CEL and AFL (i), SCBL (ii) and JGCC (iii) whereby the loans of 1750 and 250 (the interest having been paid) were repaid by (iii), discharging the mortgaged lands. Property in Westoning, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and in the parish of St. Mary's, Bedford (IX) Indenture dated 29 Sep 1893 supplemental to (V) between WH and AJLG (as personal representatives of JH, deceased) and JGCC (ii) whereby the loan of 2500 was repaid, discharging the mortgaged lands. As to all the property (X) Indenture dated 8 Dec 1893 between PA Newland (nee Campion) wife of WPN and JGCC, whereby PAN appointed the legacy (under the will of JWCC) of 5000 to herself, for her sole and separate use. (XI) Indenture [of Mortgage] dated 31 Dec 1900 from JGCC (as Mortgagor) to PAN (as Mortgagee), reciting the loan as in (IV) remained owing, of the lands as (IV) to secure a loan of 5000 to be repaid on 31 Jun 1901 at an interest rate of 4% p.a. (XII) Will dated 9 Mar 1893 of JGCC appointing WPN as the sole executor and trustee of his will and after giving an annuity of 100 to his sister PAN, he bequeathed all his real and personal estate to WPN, in trust to be converted into money to pay his funeral expenses, debts, etc., and purchase the annuity paid to PAN, and should stand possessed of the residue in trust for his wife, Jessie Coventry Campion. (XIII) Death of JGCC on 7 Feb 1903 at 9 Radnor Place, London, and Letters of Administration granted on 25 May 1903 to JCC, widow (WPN having predeceased JGCC). (XIV) Indenture dated 12 Oct 1903 supplemental to (IV) between JCC of Westoning Manor, Westoning, widow (i) and the Law Life Assurance Society (ii) whereby (i) covenanted with (ii) to pay the interest on the loan of 4250 (as in (IV)) at 5.5% reducible to 4.5% in lieu of 5% reducible to 4% as from 24th Sep 1903. (XV) Indenture dated 3 Oct 1904 between the Law Life Assurance Society (i), Jessie Blyth-King of 1 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London, wife of Henry Blyth-King of the same place (ii) and PAN (iii) whereby (ii) paid (out of her separate estate, independent of HBK) to (i) 4250, being the loan still owing but all interest paid, and by direction of (ii), (i) conveyed all the lands comprised in (IV) (which were then vested in the Society) to (iii). (XVI) Indenture [of Mortgage] dated 16 Mar 1907 from JBK to PAN, on all the lands and hereditaments still remaining subject to the principal indenture, (IV), to secure a further loan of 1000. (XVII) Indenture [of Mortgage] dated 21 Dec 1907 from JBK to PAN, of land as in (IV) to secure a further loan of 800. (XVIII) Repayment of loans dated 9 Nov 1908 from JBK to PAN, the sum of 3400.
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    From: 1924 To: 1924
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