i) Henry Clifton, senior, London, grocer
John West, Aylesbury, Bucks, grocer,
executors under the will of Elizabeth Vaux late of St.
Gyles without Cripplegate, London, widow, late Elizabeth
Veere, spinster, daughter of Thomas Veere, and also
devisee of Sarah Veere her late mother deceased.
ii) Thomas Veere West, Aylesbury, Bucks, tallow Chandler.
CONVEYANCE (Lease and Release) by i. to ii. in consideration of £300
15 acres land in the common fields of Leighton Buzzard and Clipson
late in the occupation of Mary Worral, widow, now of George Pratt.
...1/2 acre from Ric. Honnor to Thos. Veere by Feoffment 19 Jan 1682/3:
...1/2 acre in Clay Furlong abutting south into Billingdon Way,
bounded lands Francis Bailey, Edw. Ashwell deced.;
..3 1/2 acres from Thos. Honnor to Thos. Veere by Feoffment 28 Oct 1684;
..1/2a in Grovebury Field shooting into Leedon Goggs, bd. Jn. Nash;
..1r. shooting to Dunstable Way, bounded by lands late Jn.
Hollingsworth and now Joseph Flemons;
..1 butt near Clipson Field, bd. lands late Jn. Truelove and
Jn. Dean;
.. 4 lands on Shenley Hill;
..one foreshooter on the other side of Shenley Hill, bounded by
land late Geo. Cheshire now widow Worral, and late Thos.
Carpenter now Jn. Carpenter;
...3a from Mary Honnor spinster to Thos Veere by Feoffment 7 Dec 1686:
Grovebury Field
..one butt in Short Deed Furlong, bounded by land late Wm.
Spencer now Mark Fountain, and land late Thos. Coles;
Middle Field
..2 throughout acres in Clipson Brook Furlong on the Hale side,
bounded land late Jn. Munck now Wm. Fenner, and late Jas. Gregory
..one butt shooting to Slipson Way, bounded land late Thos.
Forster now Edw. Walker, and late Ligo now Dan. Poynton.
..1/2a on Broomhill, bounded Thos. Simms and late Fra. Bailey;
...4a. from Henry Honnor to Thos. Veere by Indenture 19 Jan 1688/9:
..one headland cont. 1/2a, part in Middlefield heading High Brinck,
and shooting into Hockley Way, bounded land late Thos. Prockter
now Benj. Reeve;
..1 a. lying by Mansmead shooting upon John Philips headland in
High Brinck, bounded land late. Thos. Forster now Edw. Walker,
and late Geo. Cheshire now the Hon. Chas. Leigh;
.. one land cont. half an acre shooting to Hunts Way, land
late Wm. Fenner and late Edm. Ashwell now Fra. Yeoman abutting;
.. one land in Woo Furlong in Shenley Hill field, bounded land
late Ralph Doggett now Tooley, and late Jn. Dean;
..one land or two roods more on Broomhill abutting to Guy bush,
bounded land late Jn. Dean;
..1 acre more in Grovebury field shooting to Eggington Cross,
abutting upon Deans pond and Crips headland, bounded land
late Chas. Pym, now Dan Pounton;
...4 1/2 acres conveyed Grace Honnor spinster to Thos. Veere by
Indentures of Lease and Release 9/10 May 1693:
....4 roods lying together in Grovebury Field in a furlong abutting
into Leedon next land late Edw. now Jn. Ashwell;
.. half acre in Middle field in Leck Brook furlong, land late Jn.
Marsh now Arthur Matthews W, land late Edw. now Jn. Ashwell E;
.. one acre lying together in three Ridges in same field in place
called the Hale, bounded land late Jn. Marsh now Arthur Matthew;
.. 2 acres lying together in Shenly Hill field on Broom Hill
abutting to Watery Leys next land late Thos. Coles now one
Crip, and late Wm. Dudley now one Gurney.
most of which 15 acres had been in the tenure of Edw. Taylor, Thos.
Taylor and Francis White.
witnesses: Chas. Pyne, Richard Smith his clerk,
Thos. Skinner, haberdasher on Snow Hill, London.