• Reference
  • Title
    i) Joseph Flemons, L.B., miller, son and devisee in will of Joseph Flemons senior late of LB, miller, deced. ii) John Franklin of L.B. gent. CONVEYANCE (Bargain, Sale and Feoffment) by i.to ii. in consid. £5. 5. Od. half acre arable in Grovebury Field in L.B.in a furlong shooting to the path leading to Wenlock stile, and lying below the said path, bounded N. by copyhold land late Jn. Deane and now Jn. Ashwell, and S. by copyhold land late Bells, now Jn. Franklin. wits. Richard Flemins, John Capon
  • Date free text
    26 Jan 1741/2
  • Production date
    From: 1741 To: 1742
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description