- ReferenceAD324
- TitleBargain and Sale and Assignment 1) Jn Bullock of Sharnbrook, Esq. (mortgagor) 2) Ann Nelson of Hampstead, Middlesex, widow. Geo Nelson of City of London, Esq. Sir Robert Alsop, Knight. Sir William Stephenson, Knight. (executors of last will and testament of Geo Nelson of City of London, Esq, (mortgagee) recites mortgage in 2,000 and 5% interest (by Lease and Release) incl. Deed to create Tenant to Precipe. 1) Jn Bullock (only child and heir of late John Bullock, late of Sharnbrook, Esq, deceased by Mary, his first wife (also deceased) (mortgagor) vouchee to warranty 2) Jn Tanney of Clements Inn, Middlesex, Gent. (demandant) 3) Rt. Hon. Geo Nelson, Esq, Lord Major of London (mortgagee). 4) Robt Palmer of St. George's Bloombsbury, Middlesex, Esq. (Tenant to Precipe). a) Manors or reputed Manors of Langtons alias Langtons and Parentines in Sharnbrook. b) Mansion house or messuage in Sharnbrook then or late or theretofore in occ of Ann Aspin, widow, her undertenants or assigns. c) Garden ground lyng opposite to the Messuage on the other side of the street, then or late used with it. d) Close of pasture, commonly called ' the Home close', 'Wherein the Dovehouse stood'. e) Close adj. Northwood on d) (10A). f) Close of pasture lyng near d) and e) (cont 18A). d) - f) all in Sharnbrook and then late or theretofore in occ. of Ann Aspin and Wm Harper or their undertenants etc. g) 110A of arable land, leys and and sweard gnd: 4A, 3Y, 2R and 6 feet of meadow gnd lyng dispersedly in the Common and open fields and meadows of Sharnbrook. (The deed here states that 'g' was 'then late or theretofore in the occupation of Thomas Morris or his assigns and the orchard and pightle of pasture ground belonging to the said cottage'. A comparison with GA 769, a deed of partition of the lands etc of Geo Cobb dated 17 April 1700., makes it likely that the scribe of this deed has omitted to mention the cottage and Smith's shop, which in 1700 was occupied by Thomas Morris) h) Cottage in Sharnbrook, then late or theretofore in the occupation of Jeffrey Woodham or his heirs and assigns. i) Wood or coppice of wood ground and soil called Whiteleys Wood, Sharnbrook all of a) - i) above were theretofore part of the lands etc of Geo Cobb, deceased and on his death descended to his 3 sisters and coheirs (ref to Deed of Partition of 17 Apr 1700 - GA 769). j) Messuage or tenement in Sharnbrook, theretofore, late or therefore in occ of Wm Harper, his undertenants or assigns. k) Close of pasture called the Homestall (3A). l) Close of pasture called Pitts Close (2A). m) Close of pasture called 'My Lord's' Close (2A). n) Close of pasture called Lyme Close (4A). o) Close of pasture called Green End Close (4A). p) Close or enclosed gnd or pasture or Sweard ground called Morbeys Close (Mistranscribed by the scribe for Morleys Close) (8A). k) - p) then late or theretofore in occ of Wm Harper, his undertenants etc. q) 90A of arable, lands, leys and sweard gnd. and 8A of meadow gnd lyng dispersed in the Common and open fields and meadows of Sharnbrook (then late or theretofore in occ of Wm Harper or his undertanants etc.). r) Coppice or Spinney of wood ground and soil called Dry Close Spinney (2A) in Sharnbrook. j) -r) above were purchased by John Aspin from Rt Hon Powlett, Earl of Bolingbroke, Eliz Watkins, widow and Jos and Rebecca Godfrey (see GA 772- 829) s) Cottage or tenement with yard, garden, orchard and Croft adj in Over End of Sharnbrook between cottage and theretofore of Wm Geary, formerly Parrotts on one side and Cottage, theretofore of Thos Cobb and formerly occ by Wm Ilson. 'Extending from the street to the Brooke' (theretofore in tenure of Jn Clare or his assign and then of Jn King). (for further deeds of this property see GA 748 onwards and Sharnbrook Enclosure Award and Map (MA 35 and Award Book K) No. 176. t) Cottage or tenement with garden, backside and yard adj in Sharnbrook lyng between Tenement theretofore of John Morrill (Mistranscription of Merrill) and tenement theretofore of Hen Scrivener on the other. (then in occ of Hanna Scrivener, spinster). (for further deeds of this property see GA 739 - and Sharnbrook Enclosure Award and Map No.176) and all other Manors, messuages etc of Jn Bullock in Sharnbrook or any parish adjoining. 18 Jan 1766 recites Judgement of Ejectment in favour of Executors of G. Nelson (Court of Common Pleas) Easter 1768. recites Principal and 220 (2 1/2 years interest due). property in deed above of 1766 insufficient security for payment of above 2,200. Bullock assigns articles below to be additional security listed in Schedule. 1) In Men's Garret: 2 Bedsteads with half canopy furniture, 2 feather beds, 2 Bolsters, 1 pillow, 3 Blankets, 1 Quilt, 1 rug, a large cradle pillow. 2) Maids Front Garret: 4 Post Beadstead, Green furniture, feather bed Bolster, 1 blanket, 1 coverlid. 3) Maids Back Garret: 4 post bedstead, Red Furniture, Feather bed bolster, 3 Blankets, a coverlid, 2 chairs. 4) Nursery: 4 post bedstead, serge furniture, feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows, a Mattress, 2 blankets, 1 Quilt, 1 small bedstead and feather bed, bolster, two pillows, 2 blankets, one quilt, one low Walnut Tree Chest of Drawers, 6 chairs (leather bottoms), a tea table, a binder shovell, a compass fire iron. 5) Chamber over the Dining Room: a 4 post bedstead with Red furniture, a feather bed, bolster, 1 pillow, 3 blankets, a matress, a white quilt, a low Walnut Tree Chest of Drawers, a dressing table, and swing glass, 2 Mahogony chairs, tongs, fire shovel, poker and fender, a Drapery checked window curtain. 6) New Chamber: a 4 post bedstead, green furniture, a feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows, 3 blankets, a White quilt, walnut tree bureau, large looking glass, chimney glass, an India print, a picture of 'Three Ships', a cloaths press, 3 Ewe Tree Chairs, a night elbow chair, compleat, a large checked window curtain and Rod, Tongs, fire shovel, fender, and brush, a new riding saddle and 'girts' (girths), oval dressing table with drawers. 7) Green Damask Chamber: A 4 post bedstead, mahogany posts, green damask furniture, a feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows, 3 blankets and matress, a white counterpane, 4 needlework window curtains, 4 chairs (needlework seats) 4 stools (needlework seats), Mahogany dressing table, large looking glass (gilt frame), a picture of inside of a church, a Landship (landscape) of cattle etc, bason (basin) and stand, Dog irons, fire shovel and brush in the closet, night stool and Oval looking glass. 8) Hall Chamber: A 4 post bedstead, (mahogany posts), White Camblet peeling furniture, feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows, 3 blankets, a mattress, a quilt, a mahogany bureau, dressing table, large looking glass (gilt frame), a large swing glass, 2 pair (of) yellow silk Damask window curtains, 5 chairs (yellow silk Damask seats of cases) elbow chair with work seat, picture of 'The Samaritan ', large 'Landkip' (landscape), 2 dog irons, tongs, fire shovel and fender and washing stand. 9) Blue Damask Chamber: A 4 post bedstead, blue Damask furniture, fether (feather) bed, bolster, 2 pillows and mattress, 4 blankets, 1 quilt, 2 sets (of) blue window curtains and rods, a cherry ----- with seven drawers, 4 walnut tree chairs (blue damask seats), elbow chair, (needlework seat), a large Walnut tree cabinet, a china stand with old China, a small mahogany dining table, a large 'Landskip' of cattle, a compass, fire iron and stove, grate, tongs, fire shovel, poker and fender, a hand brush. 10) Cabinet Drawers: 1 larged curious worked white quilt, 1 flowered quilt, 1 white counterpane, 1 pair of needle work window curtains, 9 pieces of needlework, 1 piece (sic) of needlework. 11) Closet: 1 large box with papers, a window blind, a basket, 2 old curtains and rod, 2 china chamber pots, a green silk umbrella. 12) Study: 2 large book cases with glass doors and upwards of 100 Books of different sorts, a couch and pillow, 1 mahogany chair, one smoaking (smoking) chair, 1 pair of dog irons. 13) Best Parlour: Brass Hearth dogs, shovel, tongs and iron back, a chimney glass in a glass frame, a Landskip in painted frame, 'the Wisemen's offering', 'Our Saviour in the Garden' and 'The Holy Family', 2 'Flower' pieces, 'India Fort with Shipping', 'Frost piece ', 'Dutch Kitchen', 'Sea piece with Ship on Fire', 'A Dutch Nursery', 2 old pictures, 7 Landskips, a 'Candle Light' piece (sic), a picture of 'Ruins', a picture of Ruins in crayons, 2 coat arms, 2 sets (of) window curtains, 2 sconce glasses in frames, 2 mahogany card tables, 8 walnut tree chairs and cases, a brass lock, and key and pull to bell. 14) Common Parlour: Compass stove, fender, poker, tongs, shovell, chimney, glass in a painted frame, the picture of the 'Holy Family' in a frame, 'Head' in frame, a piece of 'Shipping', 6 family pictures, Charles and Corella, a sconce glass, glass arms, a barometer, 3 setts (sets of) yellow silk damask window curtains, a table, 3 window blinds, a mahogany tea table, a mahogany oval table, an English carpet, 6 walnut tree chairs, cloak pinns, 3 bottle boards, a tea chest, a copper coal skittle (scuttle), a brass lock and key and pull to bell. 15) Hall: 2 dog irons, a shovel and tongs, a picture of 'Venus and Cupid', 2 'Water Peices ', 2 'Dutch Wakes', a 'Stags Head', a glass gilt frame, a black marble table on 2 iron bracketts, 2 alabaster figures, 11 plaister of paris busts and vases, large mahogany oval dining table, a claw table, 8 walnut tree chairs, 2 pieces of floor Cloth, a large copper, 4 Hat pins, a pull to bell. 16) Stone Parlour: a compass, grate a fixt (ie fixed on), a fender, poker, tongs and shovell, 2 hooks, a chimney glass in a gilt frame, a Landskip, a piece of still life ? peice, 2 side boards, 2 sconce glasses (gilt frames), 19 pictures, a mahogany table, 6 Cherry tree chairs, 2 elbow ditto, door curtain as fixt, a brass lock, pull to bell and a spud. 17) Kitchen: A smoak (smoke) jack and chain, iron racks, a crane and hooks, dog irons, a large iron spit (?), and wings, keepers, tongs, fire shovel, poker and fender, one cradle spit, 3 common spits, 1 cinder shovel, a large meat screen, 3 gridirons, a clever and chopping knife, 4 box irons and heaters, 4 flat irons, 2 pair stilyards and weights, one salt box, one pair (of) bellows, a copper coal skuttle, 7 saucepans, 3 fry kettles, 3 stewpans, one coffee pot, 2 fish kettles and covers, 1 chocolate pot, 1 quart copper bottom of warming pan, warming pan, 2 cheese toasters, 6 upright brass candlesticks, 3 flat brass candlesticks, 5 upright iron candlesticks, 4 flat iron candlesticks, 2 pair of steel snuffers, 2 small pudding pans, 2 two leav'd dining tables, 2 tea table (sic), candle box, 1 deal dresser and pewter frame, 19 pewter dishes, 9 water plates, 11 soup plates, 15 ... plates, 40 common plates, a cullinder, a fish strainer, a bed pan, 5 small pewter wine measures, 1 small pewter tunning dish, one case of shelves for earthenware, 2 large elbow Winsor (Windsor) chairs, 3 old leather chairs, one 'Vinter Ledge' (sic), a child's lofty Cane dinner chair, 4 pottage potts and covers, 1 kettle, 1 bell mettal pot, 1 brass ladle (laddle), 1 brass skimmer, 2 tin dripping pans, 1 lead sink in scullery, 3 iron hoop'd barrells in passage, one marble morter and pestle, one wooden morter and pestle, one trivet and footman, 1 bottle rack and 6 dozen bottles in the wash house, 2 stills and japan Cistern and cock, a pickling tub and cover, a washing furnace and iron bar and an iron oven door a Salimander. 18) Stable: 2 Mares and one Colt. 21 Dec 1768 On dorse mention of possession of goods etc being delivered by Jn Bullock to Lewis Lucas. Witnesses: Clement Nevill Louch and Jn Wills. same date Further note of delivery of possession of goods by Lewis Lucas, Bailiff to Jn Bullock to Mortgagees. Witnesses Sam Palmer and Wm Wyatt. same date
- Date free text21 Dec 1768
- Production dateFrom: 1700 To: 1768
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordBullock, John,
Nelson, Ann,
Nelson, George,
Alsop, Robert,
Stephenson, William,
Bullock, Mary,
Tanney, John,
Palmer, Robert,
Aspin, Ann,
Harper, William,
Morris, Thomas,
Cobb, George,
Aspin, John,
Bolingbroke, Paulet St John, 3rd Earl,
Watkins, Elizabeth,
Godfrey, Joseph,
Godfrey, Rebecca,
Geary, William,
Cobb, Thomas,
Ilson, William,
Clare, John,
King, John,
Morrill, John,
Merrill, John,
Scrivener, Henry,
Scrivener, Hannah,
Lucas, Lewis,
Louch, Clement Nevill,
Wills, John,
Palmer, Samuel,
Wyatt, William,
Woodham, Jeffrey - Keywordswidow, Mayor, Sharnbrook Langtons Manor, Sharnbrook Langtons & Parentines Manor, widow, blacksmiths, inventories, Sharnbrook Whiteleys Wood, Inclosure, Court of Common Pleas, household furniture, household plate, works of art, household ornaments, household decoration, City of London, Sharnbrook House, Sharnbrook fields, Sharnbrook Over End
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