Sale of the premises of the Red Lion, Ridgmont, in 5 lots, by direction of the trustees acting under the will of the late John Barber. Sale at the Red Lion.
Lot 1: The Red Lion – freehold brick and slate dwelling with yard and range of outbuildings, adjoining cottage occupied by Mary Lawson. Right of way over land belonging to Mrs Hardwick. The whole contains about 31 poles
Lot 2: Adjoining lot 1. Freehold brick and slate dwelling, shoemakers shop, barn, garden and premises. Occupied by George Fowler. Rent £10 10s p.a. Also recently erected thrashing barn.
Lot 3: on Castle hill. Allotment of freehold accommodation market garden ground or building land. 1 acre 0 roods, 17 poles.
Lot 4: adjoining lot 3. Part brick and tiled, part thatched messuage in 2 tenements, one vacant, the other occupied by Sarah Wooding. Further cottage in the occupation of Alfred White. Barns and gardens. Total area 1 rood, 13 poles
Lot 5: Recently erected freehold brick and tiled messuage in 2 tenements, similar messuage in 2 tenements adjoining and nearby 2 further messuages. Shoemakers shop, outbuildings and garden land. The whole totals 1 rood, 6 poles. In the occupations of George Pryor, Thomas Forfeit, Richard Allen, John Dickens, Thomas Mallery, Harriet lane, John Knight, John Smith and John Wright. Rents total £33 p.a.
Date free text
12 Apr 1869
Production date
From: 1869 To: 1869
Level of description