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    Deposition:Thomas Rickard, Woburn, tailor. Told Ric. Gaseley, who offered 18d. a yard, that drapers would not sell it for under 19d.; R.G. said Jn.Joanes brought it; T. R. said he stole it then. Richard Gaseley, Woburn, upholsterer. Bought material from J.J.; has never traded in this kind of material before, so asked T.R. what it was worth. The informacon of Thomas Rickard of Woburne aforesaid tayler taken upon oath the day and yeare aforesaid before St John Thomson Esqr one of his Majesties of the peace for the said County, This informant saith that hee told Richard Gaseley none of the drapers would sell any such stuffe under 19 or 20s a yard, and Richard Gaseley said hee could aford it for 18s a yard, and the Monday after Richard Gaseley said hee could aford it for soe much, hee told me hee bought it of the man that came with Thomas Tayler, then this informant replied hee bought it of one that stole it, and the said Richard Gaseley bid him ask if anie body lost such stuffe, but bid him not make tooe many wordes of it, Thomas Rickard The examinacon of Richard Gaseley of Woburne aforesaid upholster taken upon oath the day and yeare aforesaid before St John ThomsonEsqr one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the said County, This examinant saith that hee bought a peece of stuffe in his shopp, of a man that came with Thomas Tayler aforesaid, the man was in grayish cloaths, and that there was about twenty yardes of it, this examinant asked him if hee had noe more to sell, and hee replied noe, he had noe more, hee further asked him how hee came by this stuffe, hee replied hee had it, upon truck with a man of Norridge, for ribbins, he further asked him where hee lived hee said at Markett Street, and this examinant further saith that the said Thomas Tayler told him hee had a horse, and that hee was a kinde of a wholesale man, This examinant alsoe saith he gave 22s for the stuffe, and further saith, hee never sold anie such stuffe before, nor traded in the like, This examinant further saith hee asked the aforesaid Thomas Rickard what they usually sold such stuffe for, hee said about 18 or 19s a yard out of the drapers shop, and hee bid the said Rickard enquire if aniebody had lost such a peece of stuffe, but hee saith hee bid him not make tooe many wordes of it, and further this examinant saith that hee sold some of it, to his Mother, the Widow Cawkett, and the rest of it his owne child had to make her a garmt, and further saith not Richard Gaseley St John Thomson
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  • Production date
    From: 1684 To: 1684
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