Deposition:Robert Perrott, Leighton Buzzard, Woollen draper. 23 March 1684. Lost 20 yds material from his shop; found 9 yds with Ric. Gaseley and some more being made up for widow Gawkett, who had it from R.G. Thomas Tayler, Woburn, lab. Jn.Joanes had material under his coat; took it to Ric. Gaseley's shop and sold it. The Informacon of Robert Perrott of Laighton Bussard in the County of Bedford woollendraper, taken upon oath the 22d day of March Anno dni 1683, before St John Thomson Esqr one of his Majesties of the peace for the said County, This informant saith that upon Tuesday the 11th day of March, hee lost a peece of stuffe out of his shopp at Laighton aforesaid, (about twenty yardes) and that hee found about 9 yardes of it, in the custody of one Richard Gaseley of Woburne in the said County upholster, and he alsoe found some more of it, in the shop of one Thomas Rickard of Woburne aforesaid tayler, makeing of it up into a paire of staies for one Widow Cawkett, this Informant asking of her, whoe she bought it of, she answered him of the said Richard Gasely, he further asked her what she paid for it, she replied she could not very well tell, for they beefriended her, This informant further asked the said Richard Gaseley, if hee bought anie stuffe, of anie suspitious persons, Richard Gaseley replyed that he would say nothinge untill hee came before a magistrate, and further saith not Robert Perrott The Informacon of Thomas Tayler of Woburne in the County aforesd labourer, taken upon oath the day & yeare aforesaid before St John Thomson Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the said County, This informant saith that one John Joanes had some stuffe under his coat, and asked him if there was noe drapers in the Towne, hee said there was, and then they went to the said Richard Gaseleys, and hee bought it, and gave twenty or twoe & twenty shillings for it, and some little time after, the said Richard Gaseley bid this informant twice, that hee should not say aniethinge concerninge it, and further saith that the said Richard Gaseley bought it about 4 or 5 a clock in the afternoon, and this informant further saith that when the said John Joanes came from Laighton his horse was all of a water, hee asked him why hee rid soe heard, and hee replied hee alwaies rid soe, and this informant further saith that the said Joanes, & hee, drank 4 or 5 quartons of brandy, in the said Gaseleys shop, and further saith not The mark of Thomas Tayler
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From: 1684 To: 1684
No. of pieces: 1
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