• Reference
  • Title
    Constables Presentments:Stodden Hundred Statten Hundred: 3 July 1684, Chief Constables Robert Sale & Thomas Marlan Oakely: John Harely & Thomas Hilton present John Fower grocer, William Finden carpenter, William Stoakes for keeping disordes & dwowing of ale in devine sarvise & abusing in his house and his wife for not coming to our parish Church 3 Sundes last past Shelton: Thomas Wagstaffe presents Richard Barnes labourer & his wife for not comming to the parish Church 3 Sundes last past Tillbrooke: John Shepard, nothing Melchborne: Hugh Woodfale, nothing Deane: Thomas Dalton & Morres Cherry present John Mehew farmer, Llezabeth his wife, Sarah Yorke, Nathaniel Farey weaver, Thomas Beetler laborer, for not comming to the parish Church 3 Sundas last past Stoughton: William Burrow presents Thomas Sutton laborer, Simon Hardcock laborer, James Foleback laborer, Henery Reay weaver, for not coming to our parish Church 3 Sundaies last past Keyse: John Chattell presents Thomas Beeseley charpenter for not coming to the parish Church 3 Sundaies last past Boulnhurst: Thomas Wagstaffe presents John Church yeoman for not coming to our parish Church 3 Sundays last past Milton: John Low, nothing Rysely: William Allein & John Bourne present Hennery Dawson laborer, John Woodward laborer, William Toler baker, Thomas Roottam husbanman, John Day dareman, for not coming to our parish Church 3 Sundays last past Pertenhall: Thomas Brythrey presents Samuell Shepard dareman & Alice the wife of Randol Blee for not coming to Church 3 Sundas last past Clapham: Lewis Pake presents widow Cwoper and widow Billes for not coming to our parish Church 3 Sundas last past Yelden: William Joyes & Robert Farey, nothing Knotting: Thomas Maxey, nothing Robert Sale Thomas Marlan Chife Constables
  • Date free text
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    From: 1684 To: 1684
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    No. of pieces: 1
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