• Reference
  • Title
    Edward Moulton, Boughton Green (Nthants), yeo. 1684 Jn.Wale, sergeant-at-mace of Bedford seized a horse as stolen because T.Tapp offered it for too low a price. The horse had been lost from E.M.'s stable. The Informacon of Edward Moulton of Boughton Green in the County of Northton yoman taken upon Oath the five and twentith day of February 1683 before Thomas Christie Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County aforesd This Informant saith that upon Friday last he lost out of his stable in the night one brown gelding which he found in the hands of John Wale one of the Serjeants at Mace of the Towne of Bedford who tould this Informant that he had seized the said horse as stolen on Saturday last for that he was offered to sale to several persons for a much lower price than he was worth by one Thomas Tapp now a Prisoner in the County Gaole Tho Christie Edward Moulton
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    From: 1684 To: 1684
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    No. of pieces: 1
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