• Reference
  • Title
    Calendar of prisoners in the County Gaol. A Callender of the Fellones of the Countie Goale off Bedfordsheire John Holtham, Thomas Randall, James Lattimore, charged upon suspition of being Robbers on the highway, committed by Sir Francis Wingate John Green charged with fellony for takeing away three beasts committed by Sir Francis Wingate Richard Flecther charged with Fellony for taking away eleven pounds committed by Srn [St] John Tomson Esqr Ellen Carter charged with Fellony for takeing away A Paire of Breeches comd by Sr Francis Wingate Thomas Farlow and Susanna Farlow his mother charged with picking a pockett committed by Justice Snag Esqr Thomas Topp charged upon suspition off taking away severall Horses from one Palmer Dunckley of Abbington in Northtonsheire & one Joseph Hurst of Denton in Northtonsheire comitted [by] Thomas Christey Esqr Richard Butler commited for bringing of tooles to the prisners in order to gett there Irons off committed by Thomas Christey Esqr
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1684 To: 1684
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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