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    Deposition:John Wildes. 2 October 1682. Jn.Jenkins beat him into a ditch on the highway, saying 'God damn you, deliver your money or else I will pistoll you'. J.W. said he was an old man unable to fight, and gave up his purse. J.J. put money in his hat, returned purse, saying 'God be with you and God bless you.' John Breede. Jn.Jenkins confessed theft of 14s. 6d. from Jn.Wildes. Edward Smith, Margate Street, servant to Geo.Seere at the 'Sun'. Jn.Jenkins threw him down in a close and demanded money. Eliz.Tarbox, servant to Mr.Perr, Carrington Wood (Herts). As above; was with Edw. Smith. John Jenkins. Edw.Smith invited Eliz.Tarbox to ride J.J.'s master's mare; tied up in the lane; J.J. refused to let her. John Jenkins. Jn.Wildes agreed to lend him money, gave him purse from which he took about 12s. Job Townsend. Heard Jn. Wildes ask Jn.Jenkinsif he had his money; J.J. said he was the man. The informat. of John Wildes, taken upon Oath the second day of October before mee Thomas Snagge Esqr: one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this Cownty of Bedff anno dni 1682 This Informate sayth That about a month since on Fryday night beetweene seaven and eyght of the Clocke, being the five and twentieth day of August last past, sittinge upon the stile on the Kings highway, next the Lane that leadeth beetweene Wooborne and Aspley, John Jenkins passed by him. And the said Informate asked the said John Jenkins whether he was goeinge to Aspley or not, and he answered not, but he was goeinge to Hogsty howse. And the Informate saith that John Jenkins crossinge the lane leaped over into another Close and soe got before him againe, and meetinge him; run at him, and beate him into the ditch, and there fell upon him and said God dam you; deliver your money, or else I will Pistoll you. And the said Informat answeared John Jenkins and said I am an old man, and not able to fight thee, I pray thee, if thou wilt have my money, lye ofe from mee that I may com at my purse, and the Informat saith, that he the said John Jenkins got ofe from him, and then he put his hand into his pocket, and pulled out his purse and gave it to the aforesd John Jenkins. And when the said John Jenkins was going away the said Informat called to him, and prayed him to give him his purse and his key. And then the said Jenkins pulled ofe his hatt, and poored the money, out of the purse into his hatt. And said God be with you, and God blesse you. and further saith not. Tho Snagg The Informacion of John Breede taken upon Oath the second day of October before mee Thomas Snagge Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this Cownty of Bedff anno dni 1682. This Informat saith, That he heard John Jenkins confesse that he tooke away the sum of fowrteene shillings and six pence or there about from John Wildes, And the Informate further saith, that John Wilds asked the aforesd John Jenkins wheather there was a Crooked sixpence or not and John Jenkins made answeare, there was, and farther sayth not Tho Snagg The Informacon of Edward Smith of Marget Streete servant to George Seere at the sign of the Sun, taken upon Oath the second day of October before me Thomas Snagge one of his Majesties of the Peace for this Cownty of Bedff Anno dni 1682 This Informat saith, That as he was cominge along the Cloase next unto Clarke Cloase with Elizabeth Tarbox and goinge out of that Cloase into Clarke Cloase, John Jenkins came out of the ditch, or neere the ditch, not far from the Gate, and the Informat saith he passed by the said John Jemkins, and he the aforesd John Jenkins came runinge after him a pretty pace. And Elizabeth Tarbox who was with the said Informat, as the Informat sayeth looked backe and said unto him. Ah Lord Ned the man is a cominge And he the said Informat answeared hir, let him come, you be not afraid of him, be you. Shee answeared Yes; And this Informate further sayth, that John Jenkins came in upon him, about five pole from the gate, and threw him downe, and saiddamne you, have you any money; And the said Informat made him Answear againe and sayed Yes that I have. And this was done by John Jenkins unto him the sd Informate upon the nine and twenteeth day of September last past, betweene seaven and eyght of the Clocke at night, and further saieth not. Tho Snagg The Informacon of Elizabeth Tarbox servant to Mr Perrot of Carrington Woodside in the Cownty of Hartford taken upon Oath the second day of October, before me Thomas Snagge Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this Cownty of Bedff Anno dni 1682. This Informat saith, that about a pole from the Gate in Clarke Close she looked backe, and did see John Jenkins and said Lord Ned, the man is a cominge. And the sayd Edward Smith who was with hir asked hir if she weare afraid, she answered yes. Then John Jenkins came behind him the said Edward Smith and threw him downe. And did sware Dam you have you any money, and she the Informat sayth That Edward Smith made Answeare yes I have. And this Informat further sayth that this was done by the aforesd John Jenkins upon the person of Edward Smith the nyne & twentieth day of September last past betweene seaven & eyght of the Clock at night. And farther sayth not. Tho Snagg The Examination of John Jenkins taken the second day of October before mee Thomas Snagge Esqr one of his Majesties of Peace for this Cownty of Bedff Anno dni 1682. This Examinate sayth, That by the hedge in Clarke Close, neere the gate, he was untrussinge of a poynt And his masters mare was tyed in the Lane by the hedge Edward Smith asked Elizabeth Tarbox there is a Horse, will you ride, and the examinate answeared if shee would she should not, and Edward Smith answered she should, and farther sayth not. Tho Snagg The Examination of John Jenkins taken the second day of October before mee Thomas Snagge Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this Cownty Bedff, Anno dni 1682 This Examinat sayht, That he did meete with John Wildes downe in the Lane upon a Fryday And he did ask him to lende him some money and he said he would lend him some. And this Examinat further sayth that John Wilds put his hand into his pocket and puld out his purse and delivered his purse to him; which he sayth was opened, And he tooke out of it about twelve shillings, and he saith hee delivered the purse backe to John Wilds againe, and farther saith not. Capt cor Tho Snagg The Informacion of Job Townsend, taken upon Oath the second day of October before mee Thomas Snagge Esqr one of his Majesties of the Peace for this Cownty of Bedff Anno dni 1682 This Informate sayth: That John Wildes asked John Jenkins wheather hee had his money, or not. And the aforesaid John Jenkins answeared and said he was the man. And farther sayth not. Tho Snagg
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    From: 1683 To: 1683
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