Deposition:William Corbye, Henlow, lab. 28 February 1683.
He, Sam.Everitt and Jn.Limbrey stole 2 sheep out of Edw.Greene's close; J.L. killed and quartered them. The Examinacon of Willm Corbye of Henloe in the County of Bedd laborer taken before Samuel Bedford Esqr one of his Majesties of the Peace for the County aforesd the 28th day of February Anno dni 1682 Sayth that on Friday night the 22th of December last hee togeather with Samuel Everitt of Henloe, & John Limbrey of Langford in the sd County Weaver, did take & Carry away out of the Close of Edward Greene in Meppershall two sheepe of the goods of the sd Edward Greene, & killd them upon the place, & devided the severall Quarters among them, And that the said John Limbrey killd them, And that they brought them home to their severall houses And further sayth not. S. Bedford
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From: 1683 To: 1683
No. of pieces: 1
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