Certificate of Minister and Churchwardens of St.Paul's, Bedford, that Thos.Hardinge, collarmaker, has attended church and taken the sacraments.
We Edward Borne Minister of the parish & parish Church of St Paules in the Towne of Bedford in the County of Bedford And Edward Pilkington and John Oakeley Churchwardens of the said parish & parish Church doe hereby certifie that Thomas Hardinge of the said parish of St Paules in the said Towne of Bedford in the said County of Bedford Collermaker was on Sunday the third day of December last & on Sunday the seventeenth day of December last and severall other dayes & times since Michaelmas last at the parish Church afforesaid dureing the time of divine service & sermon & all the severall tymes did behave himselfe decently & civilly in the said Church And likewise did on Christmas day last imediately after divine service & Sermon in the Parish Church afforesaid receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper according to the usage of the Church of England In Wittnesse whereof we have hereunto subcribed our hands this twentyseventh day of February in the foure & thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord King Charles the second Annoque Dni 1682. Ed Bourne Minr ibid John Okely Edward Pilkington churchwardens
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From: 1683 To: 1683
No. of pieces: 1
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