• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition:William Perkins, lab. Saw Ed. Adey raise hand to strike R.Webb. Dorothy, w. of Jn.Wood. R.W. complained of assault by E.A, and wife. Jane, w. of Richard Clarke. As above. The Informacon of William Perkins, of Temsford in the said County labourer taken upon oath the 24th day of March Ao dni 1681 This Informt saith that upon Tuesday being the 22nd instant about 3 of the clock in the afternoone as he came from plough he sawe Edward Adey of Temsford aforesaid labr runing from his owns house after Rose Webb and also that he did see the motion of the said Adeyes hand towards the said Webb but is not able to swear that he did strike her. And further he saith not. Elsdem die et anno The Informacon of Dorothy Wood wife of John Wood of Temsford aforesaid labr taken upon oath ut supra This Informt saith that she did not see any passages between Johanna Adey wife of Edward Adey of Temsford aforesaid labr & Hose Webb, only she sawe the said Rose come from the said Adeys house-ward, very dirty, And that she the said Rose did complain to this Informt that the said Edward Adey did kick her and that the said Adeys wife did knock her head against a tree And further she saith that she never knew any former quarrell between them & further saith not. Die et anno supradict The Informacon of Jane Clarke wife of Richard Clarke of Temsford aforesaid labourer taken upon oath ut supra This Informt saith that Rose Webb did tell her that Adeyes wife did knock her head against a tree and this Informt did see the said Rose a little dirty but she never knew of any former quarrell betweene them & further saith not S Hanwell Coroner
  • Date free text
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    From: 1682 To: 1682
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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