Stoddon Hundred: 27 July 1682. Tho Marlin & Robert Gale, Chief Constables Oakeley: Peeter Lenord & John Ricsill present John Fouler groser for not coming to our parish Church for the space of four Sondayes last past Milton: Ritch Teeden & John Hart, nothing Clapham: Samuell Nigus presents widd Harvey & widd Bill & widd Cooper for not doming to our parish Church for one Sundaye last past Knoting: Will Hale, nothing Yeilding: Edward Tombes & will Chapman, nothing Keshoe: John Shard & Henery Ritchard present Nathaniel Acock yemon, John Carter yemon, Tho Beesley carpenter, for not coming to Church for 1 Sundaye last past Bolnhurst: Nathaniell Daye & Robert Roberson present John Church laborer for not coming to Church for 1 Sundaye last past Deane: John Pirney & James Maise present Sarrah York, Elizabeth Garat, & Nathaniell Farey for absenting from our parish Church for the space of 1 Sundaye last past Riseley: John Wagstaff & Daniell Barney present Will Touler & his wiff and Michaell Dason & his wiff and Henery Dason, Tho Rootham, Anne Rootham widd, John Daye, Tobias Hills for not coming to our Church for 1 Sundaye last past Tilbroocke: John Eaton, nothing Melshborn: John Tisom, nothing Partenhall: Ritch Bundaye presents the wiff of Tho Browning & Elizabeth Blee for not coming to our parish Church for 1 Sundaye last past Shelton: John Parseler, nothing Stoughton: John Wyman presents Simon Hearcock laborer for absenting from our parish Church for the space of 1 Sundaye last past
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From: 1682 To: 1682
No. of pieces: 1
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