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    Deposition:John Spring, Gt.Barford, gent. constable. Chris.Gunhus came to him pretending to be a lame seaman, and was given harbour. He stole 25 besoms from the barn and sold them to Jn.Ashbott. John Ashbolt, Willington, gent. Bought the besoms of C.G. The Informacon of John Spring of Great Barford in the sayd County gent taken upon oath the third day of January Anno Dni 1680 before William Spencer Esqr one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the sayd County. This Informant John Spring sayth That upon Satterday being the first of January last one Christopher Gunhus late of Kidby in the County of Lincolne Laborer did upon the first day of January come to the howse of this Informant and pretended he came from London and was a seaman, the sayd Informant asking for his passe he replyed Some of his company was gon before with it, and he beinge lame could not follow them, but the next day hoped to overtake them, upon which the sd Informt beinge then Constable, gave him harbor for that night, and he the sayd Gunhus beinge lock't into the Informts Barne, unpinned the pitch-hole door of this Informts Barne & from thence tooke & carryed away Five and Twenty Birch beesoms some of which he knew to be his this Informants owne, all which sd beesoms he the sd Gunhus the Third day of the sayd month of January did sell the aforesd Beesoms unto one John Ashbolt of Willington in the sd County gent for Two Shillings & nyne pence pretendinge himselfe to be a Broome-maker & that he lived at Beeston greene in the sd County of Bedd & further sayth not The Informacon of John Ashbolt of Willington in the sd County gent taken upon oath the day and yeare abovesd before the abovesd William Spencer Esqr This Informant sayth that upon the abovesd Third day of January haveinge byn about lookinge after his Cattell and returninge home found the abovemenconed Gunhus standinge at this Informts gate layinge a bundle of Beesoms upon the sd gate, and this Informt enquiringe whether he was goeinge with them he replyed to Bedford he this Informant asked him whether he would sell them there he replyed yes, then the sd Informt told him he wanted some & would buy them of him, and asked him where he lived he answered at Beeston greene in the County of Bedd Then the sd Informt asked him whether he came from thence this morning he answered yes upon which this Informt bargayned with him for the sd Beesoms & gave him two shillings & nyne pence and further this Informt sayth not Will Spencer
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    From: 1681 To: 1681
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