• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the Title of Aid to Thrift Building Society to freehold property known as 51 Baker Street, Luton,1970 (I)Conveyance dated 5 June 1946, from May Elizabeth Kilby, of 25 Fountains Road, Luton, to Elsie Parsons of 51 Baker Street, Luton, for £650, of: (a) parcel of land bounded on S.W. (59'3") by Baker Street, S.E. (14') by May Street, N.W. by (14') 49 Baker Street, on N.E (59'3") by the property of Mabel Wiseman, with the house and shop at the corner of Baker Street and May Street and all premises built on the land known as 51 Baker Street with a right of footway and passage over the passage between 51 Baker St. and 76 May St. and right in common to use the shared drain and sewer under passage with shared repair responsibility. (II)Mortgage from EP, mortgagor, and Arthur Leonard Parsons, guarantor, to Halifax Building Society, of the land in (Ia) to secure £585 (£5.85 shares), with interest at £4.10.0 % per annum in payments of 11s 10d per month per share, 6 June 1946 (III)Acknowledgement by Halifax Building Society of receipt of balance remaining owing from Elsie Parsons, 21 Oct 1947 (IV) Conveyance from EP to Charles Joseph Winterson of 26 Vale Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, for £2200, of land as in (Ia), 22 Oct 1947 (V) Mortgage from CJW to the Leeds and Holbeck Building Society of the land as in (IV) to secure £1740, payable as 12/6d each month over 19 years and six months, 22 Oct 1947 (VI)Vacating Receipt from Leeds and Holbeck Building Society acknowledging receipt of all moneys from CJW, 6 May 1950 Supplemental Abstract of title added on here (VII) Conveyance from CJW to Alexis and Rose Ethel Fisher of 121 Green Lane, Ewell, Surrey, for £2625 , of the parcel of land as in (Ia),6 May 1950 (VIII)Mortgage from Alexis and Rose Ethel Fisher, to the Midland Bank Ltd, of the above land in consideration of the bank making continued advances in credit, 12 July 1950 (IX) Reconveyance, 3 March 1952 (X)Mortgage from AF & REF, to London Assurance of 1 King William Street, London EC4 , agreement for a loan of £1400 at a rate of £4.15.0 % per annum (XI) Death of AF, 16 March 1955 (XII) Acknowledgement of receipt of £1400 representing mortgage and all interest and costs from REF, 21 Oct 1960 Abstract of the title of Alexander Zarembski and Maggie Ann Zarembska to freehold property known as 51 Baker Street added on here (XIII)Conveyance from REF to AZ & MAZ, of 1 Icknield Way, Luton, for sum of £2000 for property as in (Ia),21 Aug 1960 Supplemental Abstract of the Title of Alan and Marjorie Brenda Violet Peace to freehold property known as 51 Baker Street, Luton, added on here (XIV)Conveyance from AZ & MAZ, to Frederick Charles Goodman and Annie Goodman of 465 Dunstable Road, Luton, Engineer(The vendors held the property as Trustees) for the sum of £2600 for all land as in (Ia)-25 Nov 1961 (XV)Conveyance from FCG & AG to Alan and Marjorie Brenda Peace of 3 Birds Cottages, The Lane, Chalton, for £2700 the property as in (Ia)21 May 1962 (XVI)Assignment FCG & AG, assigned unto AP & MBVP the business of Grocers and general Provision Merchants, fixtures and fittings, contracts etc., FCG and AG to pay outstanding charges incurred. Certificate of value £3500-21 May 1962 Supplemental Abstract of Title of the Aid to Thrift Building Society to freehold property at 51 Baker Street, Luton, added on here (XVII) Conveyance from AP and MBVP, to John Gerrard and Alfreda Patricia Joy Rogen of 13 Falconers Road, Luton, for the sum of £3500 the land in (Ia), 24 May 1966 (XVIII) Mortgage from JGR and APJR and The Aid to Thrift Building Society of £3000 24 May 1966
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1946 To: 1970
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