File on the transferring of company offices and workshops from Castle Street and Victoria Street, Luton to new purpose built premises at Marsh Road, Leagrave
(1)Copy of letter to Messrs Thomas Thorne & Co., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, King Street, Luton, from T & E Neville Ltd, giving details of rents for Chapel Street properties-10 Aug 1965
(2)Notice from the Town Clerk, County Borough of Luton, to the secretary, T & E Neville Limited, regarding the acquisition of land for a proposed inner ring road-11 Sept 1965
(3)Letter to the Ministry of Labour from T & E Neville regarding the registration of joinery works at Castle Street for the purpose of claiming premium-21 Oct 1966
(4)Rough draft of application to register a T & E Neville Establishment with the Ministry of Labour-21 Oct 1966
(5)Planning permission for T & E Neville Limited to erect a building contractors works and offices at Marsh Road, Leagrave- 8 Dec 1966
(6)Copy of application to register an establishment with the Ministry of Labour made in respect of property at Common Farm, Marsh Road, Leagrave, Luton-4 Jan 1967
(7)Memorandum to Mr A Cooper from P J Henman regarding the move of undertakers staff from Castle Street to Leagrave-20 May 1967
(8)Memorandum to Mr Page from P J Henman regarding move to Leagrave and use of released accommodation in Castle Street-20 May 1967
(9)Copy of a letter to Communication Systems Limited regarding installation of an internal telephone system-28 June 1967
(10)Memorandum from P J Henman regarding delivery of materials to new premises, listing new store numbers and usage-Oct 1967
(11)Information and organisation for move of joinery works including checklist and target dates-7 Nov 1967
(12)Schedule, information and organisation for office move, including dates when new premises become operational-8 Nov 1967
(13)Copy of letter to A D Harvey, Town Clerk, Luton, from B T Henman, Director, giving notification of vacation of premises and making complaint about delay in clearance of land purchased from Town Council and overtime expenses incurred due to this-Dec 1967
14)Letter to the Secretary, T & E Neville, from Machin & Co., Solicitors, George Street, Luton, regarding assignment of lease-7 Dec 1967
(15)Copy of letter to the Borough Treasurer, Luton, regarding the handing over of Castle Street and Victoria Street premises for demolition, and payment to the company of due instalments-7 Dec 1967
(16)Memorandum from P J Henman regarding Leagrave premises, including allocation of responsibility for maintenance, security, etc.-Dec 1967
(17)Notes on expenditure due to move to Leagrave-22 Jan 1968
(18)Correspondence regarding disturbance claim-Jan - Oct 1968
Date free text
Production date
From: 1965 To: 1968
Level of description