Plans for the London and County Bank, Luton, by Cheston &
Parkin, Architects, Union Court, E.C (1a)Ground floor plan, roof section, ink and watercolour on paper
Drawing no. 1 (1/4" scale) (1b)Drawing no. 1, as above, ink and watercolour on linen
(2)Basement floor plan, plan of roof and first floor of caretakers house
(1/4") Drawing no. 2 , ink and watercolour on paper
(3)Side elevation of back addition, section of managers room, back
elevation, elevation to George Street, (1/4" scale) Drawing no.3
Ink and watercolour on linen (4)Section, elevation to Chapel Street (1/4" scale) Drawing no 4, ink
and watercolour on linen
(5)Details of screens in Bank Office and waiting room (1" scale and full
size) Drawing no. 7, ink and watercolour on linen
Date free text
Mar 1898
Production date
From: 1898 To: 1898
Level of description