Alice White, Potton, spinster. 15 June 1680.
Her child, begotten by Geo. Sutton her fellow-servant, was stillborn. The Examination of Alice White of Potton in the County of Bedford Spinster This Examinant being charged with murdering of a Bastard child borne of her bodie about three weeks since doth say that this day three weeks shee was delivered of a bastard male child in a close called Church Close in Potton parish begotten of her bodie by George Sutton her fellow servant then at Sr John Burgins house in Sutton parish but that the said child was stillborne And that shee did not murther the same child And further saith not Taen and acknowledged The 15th day of June Ao dni 1680 Before us Wm Boteler W Foster
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From: 1680 To: 1680
No. of pieces: 1
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