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    Deposition: Thomas Carter, Northill. 3 May 1680. Suspects Hen. Clifton of stealing grey horse from his stable. Richard Ravens Northill, William Holdstock, constable of Elstow. Hen. Clifton confessed to theft of horse from Th. Carter. The Examinacon of Thomas Carter of Thornecutt in the parish of Norrill in the county of Bedford taken upon oath the 3d day of May 1680. Taken before Thomas Hilleresden Esqr & Edmond Gardiner Esqr Justices of peace & c. This Examinant sayth that on or about the 19th day of April this Examinants stable was broken up in the night tyme the wall & stable doors being broken up, & an Iron gray horse of this Examinants of the age of 4 yeares or thereabouts of the price of 4li was then taken out of this Examinants stable and this Examinant suspecting one Henyr Clyfton als Clypse formerly Inhabiting in Norril aforesd because the sd Henry had been lately hankering thereabouts, did imediately pursue the sd Henry Clyfton, & after long pursuite did take the sd Henry Clyfton att Elstowe in the county aforesd & did bring him before us Thomas Hillersden of Elstowe aforesd & Edmond Gardner of Bedford Esqr two of his Majesties justices of the peace for the county aforesd. And the sd Henry Clyfton als Clypse being examined before us sayth, that he the sd Henry did att the tyme aforesd breake the sd Thomas Carters stable & take out the horse aforesd & did take some pease for the horse out of the stable of Richard Ravens of Norrill aforesd & did there cut off the sd Horses tayle & fling it on the dunghill and did afterward ride him to Rebourne in Hartfordshire and did att a towne called Henstead abt 2 miles distance sell the sd Horse, but was forced to bring him back to Redbourne for want of a voucher whereupon he left the horse there, till he should get a voucher. Richard Ravens of Norrill aforesd And William Holdstock Constable of Elstowe being examined upon oath say that the sd Henry Clyfton being in the custody of the sd constable did confesse that he the sd Henry did breake the sd stable of the sd Thomas Carter & take the sd horse, & did leave him att Redbourne as aforesd & that If the sd Thomas Carter would not have him before a Justice of the peace, that he the sd Henry would helpe him to his horse againe, & would worke out the charge the sd Tho Carter should be att for the sd Horse.
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    From: 1680 To: 1680
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