'Bedfordshire Times Publishing Company Limited Private Ledger'
- A Ransom Liquidation Account
- Capital Account: estate of Mr Joshua Hawkins decd
- Goodwill
- Plant and Fixtures
- Reserve Fund to meet Contingent Bad Debts
- Discount account
- Lewis Hardy, Chartered Accountant
- J Isaac
- Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd
- Depreciation of Plant and Fixtures
- Suspense Account
- Plant and Fixtures: 'News', 'Jobbing', 'Record'
- Advertisements 'Beds Times'
- Subscriptions
- Jobbing Sales
- Sales of the Paper: Wholesale Agents
- Sales of the Paper: Jobbing sales
- Captial Account
- Freehold Premises in Mill Street, Bedford
- Salaries of Mr Palmer and Mr Ransom
- Salaries
- Law Costs
- William Palmer Commission etc
- P Hamson Commission Account
- Capital Account
- Sundry charges
- London and County Bank Loan Account
- Record Series
- Depreciation Account 'News', 'Jobbing', 'Record'
- Sundry Items in Suspense
- Newspapers' Profit and Loss Account 1893-1901
- Jobbing Profite and Loss Account for 1901
- Record Series Profit and Loss Account for 1901
- General Profit and Loss Account 1901
- Balance Sheet, 1901
Date free text
1893 - c.1901
Production date
From: 1893 To: 1901
Level of description