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    Deposition: Anthony Hardinge, Bedford, maltster, constable. Found false money, clippings and whitening in room and on person of Val.Hollowfeild. Edward Shephard, Bedford, cooper, constable. Found false money and a frame in V.H.'s lodging; false ½ crowns on Wm.Robinson. Valentyne Hollowfeild, Stow-in-the-Wold (Gloucs), saltstone maker. Came to Bedford Thursday fortnight; denies knowing W. Robinson. Phillip Pateman, Bedford, butcher. Ric.Allen's wife gave him a false ½ crown. William Stratton, Bedford, butcher. As above. John Meeson, Bedford, aged 12 years. George, servant to Edw. Cawne, gave him the ½ crowns he offered to Mrs. Smythes, G. asked him to say he had them from a countryman. George Maddy, Bedford, servant to Ed. Cawne, grocer. The saltstone man gave him bad ½ crown which he gave to Jno. Meeson to exchange. Richard Robinson, Bedford, freemanson. Had false ½ crown from son Wm. W.R. had it from the saltstone man, who, he said, could buy that money in London for 18d. the ½ crown, or 3s. the crown. R.R. chid his son for associating with him. William Robinson, Bedford, mason. Found false money in V.Hollowfeild's chamber; V.H. said it was not his, so W.R. kept it. The Informacion of Anthony Hardinge of Bedford maulster and one of the Constables of the said towne taken upon oath the xxix th day of December 1679 This informant saith that he searched Herrofeilds chamber and there found a a parcell of Whiteinge and three counterfeit Hyne penceys and a mole frame and that hee went to search William Robinsons lodgeings at his fathers and there found a great quantity of whiteinge and that hee this informant searched horrofeild when he tooke him and found in his pockett twoe counterfeit mild shillings. ANTHONY HARDING The said Anthony Harding further saith that uppon his said search hee found in the said Hollofeilds chamber uppon the top of the bed, in a bagg, the Clippings of silver coyne. Taken uppon his oath the 17th day of March 1679 The informa cion of Edward Shephard of the towne of Bedford cooper and one of the Constables of the said towne taken upon oath the xxix th day of December 1679 This informant saith that he found a parcell of Whiteinge and three counterfeit Nynepennyes and a mole or frame in Horrofeild's lodgeing and that hee went to search William Robinson's lodgeings at his father's and there found a great quantity of whiteinge and found in William Robinson's pocketts severall counterfeit halfe Crowne peeces EDWARD SHEPHARD The examination of Valentyne Hollofeild of Stow on the old in the County of Gloucester Saltstonemaker taken the day and yeare abovesaid The Examinant saith that hee came to this towne on Thursday fortnight, denyes haveinge any acquantance with William Robinson The Informacion of Phillip Pateman of the towne of Bedford Butcher taken upon oath the xxixth day of December A.D. 1679 The Informant saieth that hee tooke a Counterfeit halfe Crowne which hee now produced on Saturday night last of one Goodwife Allen wife of Richard Allen of the towne of Bedford Collermaker PHILIP PATMAN The Informacion of William Stratton of the towne of Bedford Butcher taken upon oath the xxix th day of December A.D. 1679 The Informant saith that hee tooke a Counterfeit halfe Crowne (which hee now produced) last Sunday night last of one Goodwife Allen wife of Richard Allen of the towne of Bedford collar maker The mark of William X Stratton The Informacion of John Meeson of Bedford aged twelve yeares or thereabouts taken this xxix th day of December 1679 The informant saith that hee received the halfe Crowne hee offered to Mrs. Smythes of one George a servant to Mr. Cawne in Bedford and that the said George spake to this informant not to confesse of whence hee had it but to say it was given him by a Countryman for his Christmas box, the said George wished this informant to gett the halfe Crowne changed and that this informant should have some thing for his paynes, this informant saith that his uncklesent this informant to Mrs. Smythes for the halfe Crowne agayne and wished her not to make any stirr about it The Informacion of George Maddy of the towne of Bedford servant to Edward Cawne of the said towne Grocer taken this xxix th day of December 1679 This informant saith that hee tooke an halfe Crowne of the Saltstoneman which hee suspected to be badd and that he gave it to John Meeson to gett it changed, confesseth that the Saltstoneman did often buy goods at this examinant's master's shopp The Examination of Richard Robinson of the towne of Bedford free Mason taken the day and yeare above said The Examinant confesseth that hee tooke from his sonne William an halfe Crowne which is now shewed to him and that this Examinant saw severall otherx ..... peeces in his his .... .... his sonne told this examinant that hee had the money from the saltstoneman, beleives that his sonne and the saltstoneman were acquainted about a month, this Examinant confesseth that hee heard his said sonne say that the saltstoneman could have enough of that money at London for eighteene pence the halfe Crowne or three shillings the Crowne or for some little matter, this Examinant sayth that hee hath often chid his sonne for keepings the saltstonman company The Examinacion of William Robinson of the towne of Bedford mason taken the day and yeare abovesaid The Examinant saith that hee found the money that was taken about him in the Chamber where Horrofeild lay, and that hee showed it to Horrofield and asked him whether it was his and told him not, thereupon hee carryed it home and shewed it to his father the Examinant confesseth that the halfe Crowne with an hole in it was his, the Examinant saith that his father asked him how hee came by that money and this examinant told him hee found it in Horrofeilde chamber
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    From: 1680 To: 1680
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