• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: Edward Ashwell, Leighton Buzzard, yeo. 13 September 1679. 13 sheep he lost were taken from Hen. Read as stolen goods by parishioners of Gt.Barford. Edward Peck, Colmworth, butcher. 13 March 1680. Was buying sheep from Hen. Read at Gt.Barford, but they quarrelled over the number to be sold. Some townsmen, suspectin H.R. had stolen the sheep, arrested him. Henry Read, Leighton Buzzard, lab. 13 September 1679. Confesses theft of 13 sheep from Edw.Ashwell. The Informacon of Edward/Ashwell of Laighton Beudezart in the County of Bedford yeoman taken uppon his Oath the thirteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Seaventy and Nine Annoque RR Caroli Scdi nunc Anglia & c Tricesimo primo This Informanant saith that on Tuesday night last hee lost thirteene sheep out of his flock in the common feilds in Laighton Beudezart aforesaid and that they were stolen from him by Henry Read of Laighton aforesaid laborer in whose custody they were this day taken being put into a pasture ground at Great Barford in the County of Bedford by some of the Parishioners there as stolne goodes And the said Henry Read there stopped and secured uppon suspition of committing the said felony And further saith not The marke of Edward Ashwell Sworne and acknowledged The day and yeare first abovewritten Before mee W Foster The Informacon of Edward Peck of Colmeworth in the Countie of Bedford Butcher taken uppon his Oath the Thirteenth day of March Anno dni one thousand six hundred seaventie and nine Annoque RR Caroli Secundi nunc Anglia & c Tricesimo Secundo This Informant saith that in or about September last hee this Informant beeing at Great Barford in the Countie of Bedford there mett with a man driveing a parcell of Sheepe, and demanding of the man the price of them for the best and the worst, they agreed for sixteene shillings, and the said man there turneing his sheepe into a yard wished this Informant to take out his Two sheepe, But this Informant told him that by the said bargaine hee was to have all the said sheepe, which begatt a quarrell betwixt them, And thereuppon some of the Townesmen comeing to them asked the said man from whence hee brought the said sheepe, and whether hee was carryeing of them, who answered that hee brought them from Laighton Beudezart in Bedfordshire and was carryeing them to St Ives in Huntingtonshire, to sell, which begat a suspicon that the said sheepe were stolne, sheepe selling better at Laighton then at St Ives, whereuppon they secured the said man and the said sheepe untill they sent to Laighton to know the truth thereof, which they accordingly did, and found that the said man had stolne the said sheepe And further saith not saveing that hee heareth the mans name is Henry Read The marke of Edward Peck Taken and acknowledged The day and yeare abovesaid Before mee W Foster The Examinacon of Henry Read of Laighton Beudezart in the County of Bedford laborer taken before mee the Thirteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Seaventy and Nine This Examinant being charged with stealing thirteene sheep the goodes of Edward Ashwell of Laighton Beudezart aforesaid yeoman out of his flock in the common feilds of Laighton aforesaid on Tuesday night last doth confesse the same to be true and further saith not The marke of Henry Read Taken and acknowledged the day And yeare first abovewritten Before mee W Foster
  • Date free text
    1679 - 1680
  • Production date
    From: 1679 To: 1680
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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