• Reference
  • Title
    Redborn Stoke Hundred: 10 March 1679 Houghton Conquest: Tho Page & Walter Allin present Kenelme Conquest and his wife & Frances Thomson as popish Recusants Cranfield: Thomas Watts & Hennery Hull present omnia bene Marston: Stephen Taylor & John Doggett present omnia bene Wootton: Thomas Nicholls & Matt Witt present omnia bene Kempston: Jeremia White & Tho Peirson present John Barker, Jonathan Waller & John Rudd for not comeinge to Church for the space of 3 Saboth daies last past each of them beinge above the age of 18 yeares Elstow: John Anicoe & William Holstock present omnia bene Willshamsteed: Will Boughton & George Favell present Ruth Beech, Henery Man, Joseph Hadling, Edward Stratton, Willm Langley & his wife, Henery Dearmer & Clement Crick for not comeinge to Church the 3 Sundayes last past. They present Tho Beeche victueler for harboureinge of Idle & Suspitious Vagrants Maulden: Mathew Crosse & John Feild present omnia bene Ampthill: Tho Merrill & John Mins present John Impey, John Tidd & Willm Sketlethorpe for not comeing to the parish Church the 3 last Saboth dayes Ridgmont: William Newman presents omnia bene Stepingley: Willm Sharpe presents John Browne for not comeing to Church for the space of 3 Saboth dayes last past hee beinge above the age of eighteene yeares Flitwick: Thomas Jarratt & John Farmer Milbrooke: Tho Huett & Richard Peach present Francis Squire & his wife, Henry Reylie & his wife, and Edward Huckle & his wife for not comeing to Churchfor the space of 3 Saboth dayes last past each of them beinge above the age of eighteene yeares Littlington: Mathias Franklin & Tho Dawborne present omnia bene Tho Hill Wm Edwards Chief Constables
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1679 To: 1680
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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