• Reference
  • Title
    Constables Presentments:Staughton Hundred 1680 Staughton Hundred: 18 March 1679 Oakley: Fhillip[sic] Grunden & James Spencer present John Fowler groser & William Finden for not coming to Church three sundaies last past Riseley: Oliver Smith & Edward Willdman present Rootham widdowe & Frances Clarke husbandman for not comming to Church three sundes last past Melchbourn: John Adington & Benjamin Brown doe rite in there bill noe presentments Milton Ernest: John Purrett & Isarell Williamott: no presentments Clapham: William Peacoke presents Grace Cooper widdow, Margrett Harvey & Elizabeth Bills for not comimg to Church three sundeais last past Knotting: Francis Shard: no presentments Yeldin: Anthony Comson & Edward Jees: no presentments Deane: Thomas Safford & Robert Dickens present Elizabeth widow Sara Yorke Peter Yorke Mathamell Farey for not comming to Church three sundaies last past Tilbrooke: Christopher Fox: no presentments Shelton: Samuel Huiton presents John Tingey yoeman Richard Barnes laborers & Elizabeth Rogers for not comming to Church thre last Sundaies past Staughton: John Crou: no presentments Pertenham: William Ballard presents Samel Shepard dayreman & William Aspland labourer for not comming to Church three Sundaies last past Bonest[Bolnehurst]: Edward Beacke presents John Foster & Thomas Brace for not comming to Church three sundais last past Keysoe: John Richerds & Thomas Mayes present Nathaiell Alcocse[Alcocke?], John Carter & Thomas Beesley for not comming ot[sic] Church three sundaies last past The Cheffe Cunstables Richerd Holder Robert Gale
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1679 To: 1680
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description