• Reference
  • Title
    The Davis Review 'published quarterly for the interest, information and entertainment of the employees of Davis Gas Stove Co.Ltd, Luton.'Vol.2. No.1. Pg.1 Mr Kenneth Davis writes… Pg.3- 4 In the news. With photos of Mr D Middleton, Technical Department, in the BBC studio with Geoffrey Boumphrey; David Wells, Production Control; Mr A Smiley, Chairman of the Shop Stewards Committee, and Mrs S Dryden in Egypt riding a camel. Pg.5 - 6 Article on production of hotplates for Singapore with photo of Mr G Rookwood, Foreman Bench Assembly, with C Marshall discussing modifications. Pg.7 Article on Christmas food by Dr J R Lumb (with photo of Dr Lumb) Pg.10 Gold Watches for Long Service. Photo of T Cook, W Fullarton, J Deighton, J Whitbread, E Butterfield, E Chamberlain, J Cowell, H Few, P Gravestock, Mrs L Dear, Mr J K N Davis, A Stringer, W Tracey, J Stewart, W Nutt, R Knight and B McDade. Photos of Luton Parliamentary candidates speaking in the works canteen - Dr Charles Hill & Mr W N Warbey. Pg. 12 - Article about the Assembly department. Includes photos of Mr W Fessey, Assembly manager; Mr R Wood, Foreman, Assembly Conveyor, and Mr C Wash, Superintendent of the Fitting Shop. Pg. 16 - 17 Article about the canteen, with photos of Mrs M Clarke, Mr W Davies, Mrs l McClatchley, Mr W Murray, G Jackson & H Mason in the Tool Room. Pg.19 Photo of retirement presentation to Mr A Single, Tool room Hardener, by Mr H Burton, Tool Room Manager. Pg.20 Club Dinner: Photo of Mrs Kenneth Davis presenting the bowls champion Mr H Odell with his trophy and the Presidents family party: Mrs K Davis, Mrs A M N Davis, Miss J Davis, Mr k Davis, Mr F Crain, Mr L Day. Pg.22 - 23: Sports review with photos of Mr W Potter, Vice Chairman of the Games Committee, and Mr W Reid, Chairman of the Entertainments Committee. Pg.24 Davis Sick Benefit Club news including list of the Committee: Mr H A Peck, Electricians Department; Miss W Jeffries, H Wiring Room; Mr S Barton, Moulding Shop; Mr A Barth, Despatch Department; Mr T Hindhaugh, Enamel Shop; Mr A Smiley, Enamel Shop; Mr H Smith Junior, Nautilus; Mr R Turley, H Department; Mr E Turvey, Washboiler Section; Mr D C Wells, Press Shop; Mr R K Fryer, Financial Accounts; Mr R W Bonfield, Personnel Department. Inside back cover: Notes on new contributors: Dr J R Lumb, Works Medical Officer; Mr W Davies, Canteen Manager; Mr R W Bonfield, Senior Personnel Officer. Back Cover: Photo of Miss Beryl Fruin, Radiation Group Sales Ltd, at the London Showrooms, making a Christmas cake.
  • Date free text
    Christmas 1951
  • Production date
    From: 1951 To: 1951
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description