• Reference
  • Title
    2 cottages (built by Pryor) on part of close at Flexmore End. (i)Bargain and sale and appointment to the tenancy of one moiety of copyhold hereditaments and surrender of the other moiety thereof, the devisees in trust for sale under the will of the late Daniel Brooks and his heir at law to Jesse Smith of Langford, gardener,16 Nov 1858,[formerly CD 1024] (ii)Absolute surrender Jesse Smith the Elder of Langford, yeoman, to Jesse Smith the younger of 48 Farringdon Market, London, salesman, for £70 out of court - two cottages erected and built by Samuel Prior dec. on part of a close...situate at Flexmore End...formerly in the occupation of Wm Bates and John Hall afterwards of Levi Street and Charles Rutt.15 Oct 1881.
  • Date free text
    1858 & 1881
  • Production date
    From: 1858 To: 1881
  • Level of description