• Reference
  • Title
    a) Messuage in Duck End and 2½ acs land adjoining; b) pightle in Duck End (2 r.); c) cottage in Church End with a hempland (½ rd); d) 8 Acs 3 rd and 20 p land in Langford; e) land at Denny Corner (la 2r. 35p). (i)Conditional surrender John Allen of Kempston, farmer, to Thomas Alexander Raynsford of Upper Bedford Place, Middlesex to secure £400 (a-e),21 March 1834. (ii)Conditional surrender John Allen to T A Raynsford to secure £200 (a-e), 21 March 1836 (iii)Copy of above (a-e) (iv)Warrant of satisfaction on two conditional surrenders made by Jn Allen to T A Raynsford (a-e), 24 March 1840. (v)Absolute surrender John Allen to Simeon Brown of Langford, farmer for £185 - 2r Duck End (b) - 1a 2r 35p Denny Corner (e),25 March 1840. (vi)Absolute surrender William Brown of Langford, yeoman, surviving devisee in trust under the will of the late Simeon Brown, to Charles Daniel of Henlow, retired victualler for £315. - 2acs 3r in Hog Lane (formerly 2 pieces - 2r in Duck End, and also la 2r35p in Denny Corner in Home or Holme Field (b & e) [formerly CD 1017],4 Aug 1875. (vii)Absolute surrender John Allen to Edward Ball for £360 - 8 ac 3 rd 20 p N Anna Maria Ince, E E Bristow and M Hughes, S Private road, W freehold allotment of Jn Allen. (d),29 April 1840. (viii)Instructions for the admission of Mr George Wright late of Girtford, wine merchant but now of Windsor, Berks, gentleman as devisee under the will of Edward Ball to parcel of land of 1a 27 p and one of 2 ac 1 r 24p and one of 2ac and another of 3 ac 1 r 9 p adjoining each other. (d) N Anna Maria Ince late of George Kingsley E Elizabeth Bristow and Maria Hughes, late of Thomas Raddington S private road W freehold allotment of John Allen,1881. (ix)Surrender George Wright to Jacob Chambers of Langford, market gardener for £600.- (d), 13 Jan 1882. (x)Conditional surrender Jacob Chambers to Edward Paine Rose of Bedford, draper to secure £1000,- (d),6 Oct 1894. (xi)Warrant of satisfaction on conditional surrender of 6 October 1884 made by Jacob Chambers to E P Rose. (d),4 Feb 1898. (xii)Absolute surrender Jacob Chambers to Samuel Chambers of Biggleswade, retired market gardener, in pursuance of a covenant contained in the above warrant of satisfaction for £300,- (d) 4 Feb 1898. (xiii)Absolute surrender Samuel Chambers to Albert G Daniels of Langford, market gardener for £350 ,- (d) 14 Sept 1901. (xiv)Admission of Albert George Daniels on the surrender of Samuel Chambers 19th Sept 1901. (xv)Conditional surrender Albert Daniels to James Martin of Orton Lonqueville, Hunts, farmer,- (d),21 Sept 1901. (xvi)Warrant of satisfaction on above conditional surrender,20 Oct 1904. (xvii)Absolute surrender John Allen to William Nelson of Langford, carrier, for £320,- Messuage and 2½ ac in Duck End (a),29 April 1840. (xviii)Warrant of satisfaction from the executors of William Wells Gardner of Biggleswade, gent, on a conditional surrender from Wm Nelson dated 25 Nov 1842 (a),29 Oct 1859. (xix)Extract from the will of Mr William Nelson of Langford, Beds., carrier, draper, grocer and shopkeeper, as to the devise of property at Langford Beds to his Wife Maria Nelson for life. - messuage with appurtenances situate in Duck End with close of pasture and orchard adjoining containing 2½ acres. (a),1884. (xx)Draft admission of Pickering Phipps, of Blisworth, only son and heir at law of Pickering Phipps of Northampton who was admitted under a deed of bargain and sale dated 1st May 1889 between Mary Sutton of Sandy, widow and the said Pickering Phipps. (2 copies) - messuage or tenement used as an Inn and called the 'Plough Inn' containing in the whole 2ac 0r 13p abutting on the High Road from Biggleswade to Hitchin and having a frontage of 142 feet or thereabouts. (a) [see also X836/10/7],10 Aug 1892. (xxi)Draft copy of agreement between H Chaundler and Messrs P Phipps & Co. (Northampton and Towcester Breweries) Ltd, for compensation on extinguishment of Manorial incidents affecting a messuage or tenement known as 'The Plough' Inn, Langford.30 Jan 1926. (xxii)Bundle of correspondence relating to the extinguishment of manorial incidents Jan-Feb 1926. (xxiii)Absolute surrender John Allen to Montford Docwra of Biggleswade, brewer, for £100 - cottage and hempland (½ r) (c),25 March 1840. (xxiv)Absolute surrender Monfort Docwra of Biggleswade, common brewer to William Nelson the younger of Langford, yeoman for £110 - cottage and hempland (½ r ) (c),1 Aug 1866 (xxv)Letter from Hooper & Co to Veasey re enrolment of conditional surrender 20 May 1876 (xxvi)Conditional surrender William Nelson to Henry Jackson Whitley of Holme, to secure £500 - cottage and hempland (½ r) (c),3 May 1876 [xxiii-xxvi formerly CD 1002] (xxvii)Absolute surrender William Nelson to Joshua Day of Langford, farmer for £85 [see also X 836/10/8] - cottage situate at Church End with the piece of garden ground adjoining containing 14 poles with outbuildings and well of water formerly described as a cottage in Church End with hempland containing half a rood (c) N Mrs Brown SE Joshua Day W High Road or village street with frontage of c 96 feet,19 June 1889 (xxviii)Conditional surrender Joshua Day to Charles J Veasey of Baldock gent. for £50. - property as above (c),15 Oct 1889 (xxix)Warrant of satisfaction on above conditional surrender27 Apr 1905 (xxx)Steward's copy of admission of Emma and Fred Dunton under the will of Joshua Day, dec'd.,2nd May 1905 (xxxi)Conditional surrender Emma Dunton, widow and Fred Dunton, market gardener, both of Langford, devisees under the will of Joshua Day, to Mrs D L Saunderson of Biggleswade, wife of Alfred Saunderson to secure £375, 30 May 1905 (xxxii)Warrant of satisfaction on the above conditional surrender,27 Oct 1905 (xxxiii)Absolute surrender Fred Dunton of Langford, market gardener to Albert Potton of Langford, market gardener, for £100 - (c) - 1 ac 2 r 16 p (see X836/6/47),3 Nov 1917 (xxxiv)Absolute surrender Mrs Clara Matilda Potton of Holly House, Heminford Grey, Hunts, devisee under the will of Albert Potton, to Frederick William King of Langford, builder, for £30,- (c),28 Nov 1922,[ X836/6/22 (i-v, vii-viii), formerly CD 984]
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    From: 1834 To: 1926
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