• Reference
  • Title
    Cottage and garden (3 r.) in Middle Field, and Crowell furlong, with another cottage lately erected on part of said land. (i)Conditional surrender Edward West of Langford, yeoman and wife Ann, to Jn Race of Biggleswade, gent. to secure £80.21 July 1828 (ii)Warrant to enter satisfaction on the above conditional surrender.21 Dec 1847 (iii)Absolute surrender Samuel West of Middlesex, yeoman, to Wm Brown of Langford, yeoman, for £155. Samuel West having been admitted tenant on the 28 Oct 1847 as eldest son and customary heir of Ann Bryant formerly the wife of Edward West.23 Dec 1847 (iv)Bargain and sale Wm Brown (executor to his cousin Wm Brown dec.) to Thos Rutt of Langford, strawdealer, for £160 [see X 836/5/2/33C-H] 10 Oct 1857. (v)Absolute surrender Geo Rutt to Wm Rutt for £300. Under the will of Thos Rutt following the dec of his widow the six children of Thos Rutt agreed that Geo (eldest son) should take admission and then sell at auction, at sd auction Wm Rutt (second son?) was the highest bidder. Gives very full details of Thos Rutt's will including 'my granddaughter Rose Dines shall have the sum of £15 for the purpose of maintaining her and giving her a decent education.' Also gives details of the subsequent marriages of Thomas' daughters. see below for details of property.9 Sept 1876 [i-v formerly CD 991]. (vi)Conditional surrender William Rutt of Langford, gardener to C R Wilkinson of St Neots, gent. and F G Butler of St Neots, gent. to secure £347 - Cottage or tenement with another Cottage or tenement (but which Thomas Rutt deceased occupied as one dwellinghouse) with Homestead consisting of barn, coal hovel and onion loft over, cart hovel, cowshed and stable, thrashing barn, piggeries and steaming box, garden and orchard. 3r in or near a field formerly called Middle field and a furlong called Crowell.20 Oct 1880 (vii) Absolute surrender i) O R Wilkinson & F G Butler ii) William Bates of Langford, market gardener, for £320, - as in X 836/6/17 (vi),2 Sept 1882 (viii)Conditional surrender William Bates to Octavius Robert Wilkinson of Eaton Socon, gent. for £280, - as in X 836/6/17 (vi) to which William Bates was admitted tenant 11 Sept 1882. Lots of details of the conditions. 29 Sept 1882 (ix)Stewards copy of admission of Tom Bates, under the will of his father William Bates, dec'd, to land as in X 836/6/17(vi).22 Nov 1912. (x)Warrant of satisfaction on the conditional surrender (X 836/6/17 (viii)). Details of death and heirs of O R Wilkinson.29 Nov 1920.
  • Date free text
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    From: 1828 To: 1920
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