• Reference
  • Title
    Caddington: Heathfield C.P. School: Additional Land
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1965 To: 1967
  • Scope and Content
    Contents: Copy of map showing existing site marked in blue and area to north marked in red.. 2 copies one annotated 'sent to church commissioners 9 June 1965. Copy of letter from County Architect to secretary of church commissioners. Understand they own the area in red with its unoccupied house would they consider selling to the authority for educational puposes? 4 June 1965 Letter from church commissioners they sold the land to Samms Investments Ltd. 15 June 1965. Copy of letter from County Architect to Samms Investments Ltd would they consider selling the land? 29 June 1965. Letter from Davis & Co, Luton, confirm ownership of land by Samms, may be possible to negociate but matters cannot proceed at the moment, will retain letter. 22 July 1965. Copy of letter from County Architect to Davis & Co are they in a position to proceed? 1st Dec 1965. Copy of map showing existing site of the school and a parcel of land adjoining to the west offered to Beds CC. Approx 0.6 acres. Copy of memo to County Planning officer 'should be grateful to know from a planning point of view what would be the alternative use of this land [i.e. that offered for sale]. 7 September 1966. Another copy of the plan showing land offered to Beds CC. Copy of letter to director of education would the 0.6 acres that the owner is now willing to sell be enough? 'At one time it was thought that the future Infants School could be incorporated on this site. You will notice that the shape of the blue land is very irregular and it is 0.6 of an acre; the proposed infants shcool site required about 1.5 acres. I should be obliged to know if you would require the additional blue land for futre eductional requirements at Heathfield and also what the future requirements will be for the proposed Infants school in this area.' 8 September 1966. Memo from County Planning officer to County Architect - difficult to specify an alternative use for this land suggests residential development might be possible. 19 September 1966. Letter from Benning, Hoare and Drew, solicitors, Dunstable. Client has received other offers so 'if you council cannot make up their mind' will be bound to accept an alternative offer. 21 September 1966. Memo County Planning Officer to County Architect, the county survyor would accept an esstate road and therefore planning permission would probably be given for residential development. 12 Oct 1966. Plan of Ceddington Green School Aug 1951 with outline in red of 1.5 acres to the north of the site for an infants school. Copy of map showing existing school site. Copy of letter to Mr Olney to enclose copy of OS map showing boundaries of the school site. The verge and footpath on the eastern boundary are included in the authority's ownership, and accordingly it is assumed that the Luton Rural District Council would be responsible for any maintenance works. 23 November 1966. Letter from Benning, Hoare and Drew, solicitors, Dunstable. 'please let us know within the next 7 days whether your council are prepared to purchase our clients premises' 6 February 1967. Copy of map of Caddington Green showing residential development and proposed positions for new schools. Copy of letter to County Planning Officer and Director of Education. 'An instalment of a new primary school (240 places ) £66,326 has been included in the 1967/68 building programme. I enclose copies of extract from Ordnance Survey sheet upon which I have indicated the following information, a) Existing Five Oaks CS school b) Existing Heathfield CP school c) suggesed site A at the eastern termination of the existing housing development. d) suggested site B at the southern termination of the existing housing development' Does the director of education consider those sites suitable does the planning officer have any comments from a planning point of view? 17 February 1967. Copy of letter to Benning, Hoare and Drew informing them that the director of education does not require their clients land. 8 march 1967. Note of a telephone conversation about land asking that Mr Walmsely call back. Memo from county planning officer to county architect re. Caddington Green new primary school, Luton RDC request more information about the proposal. 15 March 1967 Copy of memo to county planning officer re. Caddington Green new primary school. Dept of Education and science stipulate an area of 1.25 acres for the school buildings, which will be single storey. 17 March 1967.
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