• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: John Knight, Westoning, blacksmith. Saw the 4 horsemen go to H. Adams' house. R.R. came out to them. The Informacion of John Knight of Westoning in the County of Bedford Blacksmith taken upon oath before Sir Francis Wingate knight one of his Majesties Justices of the peace .. the 11th day of March 1678 This Informant sayth That about a month before Christmas last he saw foure horsemen come to the house of Humphrey Aldams in Westoning being the next house to his Shopp, upon a Brown Celding, a Blacke horse, a bay Gelding and a Gray Mare, and this Informant sayth he heard them call at the doore and aske if there was any Gentlemen there, and the woman of the house came to the doore and told them there was, whereupon there came out to them one Richard Rolph of Flitwicke and another Stranger whom this Informant knew not, and that Rolph and the Stranger talked with them, and the Stranger desired them to alight, whereupon they did and went into the house, And this Informant sayth that about a fortnight or three weekes after, he see one of the said four men at the house of one William Chapman of Flittwicke, Alehousekeeper; And further sayth not
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1678 To: 1678
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    No. of pieces: 1
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