• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: James Sudberry, Westoning, blacksmith. 11 March 1678. Description of 4 suspicious horsemen who went to house of Humph, Adams. Later Ric. Rolph riding one of their horses. The Informacion of James Sudberry of Westoning.. blacksmith... before Sir Francis Wingate knight ... the 11th day of March .. 1678 This Informant sayth That about a month before Christmas last being at worke in his shopp at Westoning aforesaid, he saw four horsemen ride by, whom he suspected to bee Highwaymen, one upon a browne Gelding another upon a balckhorse the third upon a Gray Mare and the fourth upon a Bay Gelding with a Shorne Mane and Starre in his forehead, which said men went to the house of Humphrey Addams in Westoning aforesaid, and that one of them had on a paire of Buckskin Breeches which person this Informant thought to bee one William King, And this Informant sayth that their horses seem'd to have been very hard ridden being all in a great Sweat and the Browne Gelding seemed to bee tired; And further this Informant sayth that on the 26th day of January last past being goeing to Ampthill he mett one Richard Rolph upon the road between Westoning and Flitwicke upon a Bay Gelding, which said Gelding was the same Bay Gelding that was one of the foure rid by his Shopp about a month before Christmas as aforesaid, And this Informant meeting the said Rolph afterwards at Ampthill and seeing his horse, told him it was not soe good a horse he formerly mett him upon betwene Westoning and Flittwicke, who said that it was the same, and this Informant saying postively he was sure it was not the same, the said Rolph replyed and told him he had his choyce of Geldings; And further this Informant sayth not.
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    From: 1678 To: 1678
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    No. of pieces: 1
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