Deposition: William Millar, Southwark, 'chairebuyer'. 13 August 1677. Denies theft from shop of Ralph Smith, Mayor of Bedford. The examination of William Millar of Southworke neare Horsey Downe in the County of Middlesex hairebuyer taken the thirteenth day of August in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven This Examinant beeing charged with the felonious takeing of twelve dozen of Silver and Gold Buttons the goodes of Mr Ralph Smith now Mayjor of the Towne of Bedford cut of his Shopp in Bedford aforesaid doth utterly deny the same to bee true and further saith not Taken and acknowledged The day and yeare above written Before mee W Foster
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From: 1678 To: 1678
No. of pieces: 1
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