Deposition: Laurence Cripps, Ridgmont, butcher. 10 December 1677.
Bargained to buy the steers from J.W. The Informacon of Lawrence Cripps of Ridgmont in the county aforesaid Butcher taken the Tenth daie of Decemb Anno Dni 1677 This Informant sayeth that on Tuesdaie beinge the fourth of this Instant Decemb hee beinge att Leighton Markett bought three Steares vidzt too black ons & one Brindled one of one Joseph Warner now prisoner in the comon Gaole att Bedford for Twelve pounds & a leaven shillings And that the said Joseph Warner told him hee brought them from Mogerhanger from the widd Powers & that hee was Implyed by her for to sell them But hee saieth hee was about buying the said Steares in the Markett & that there was about foure shillings betwixt them And that hee was about the space of one houre in bargaineinge for them after hee came within the said price And hee further saieth that the said Steares was turned into the Inn yard beinge the Signe of the Swan And within the said house hee bargained for them & there hee paid the said Joseph Warner eight pounds & one shillinge & that the said Steares stod in the Markett about three houres as hee supposeth before hee bought them And hee allsoe sayeth that hee was goeinge to send for the Toleman but hee cam in in the meane time of his owne accord & there upon examinacon of the partie as sold them apprehended him upon suspition of stealeinge them But the said partie as sold the said steares went under the name of Joseph Minor as hee supposeth & the Rest of the money was to bee paid as on Tuesday next beinge the next Markett daie And further sayeth not. Tho Snagge
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From: 1677 To: 1678
No. of pieces: 1
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