Deposition: Jon Truelove, Leighton Buzzard, servant.
Arrested J.W. at Leighton Market for theft of steers; J.W. confessed receiving them. The Informacon of John Truelove of Leighton Bussard in the County aforesaid servant to Richard Doggett of the same Towne gent taken the fift daie of December 1677 This Informant sayeth that hee goeinge on Tuesdaie last beinge the fourth of this instant into the Markett att Leighton aforesaid to Tole the Cattle there found att the same time that one Joseph Warner was then there sellinge of too Black Steares & one Brindled Steare & that hee took him upon suspicion of Stealeinge the said Steares And afterwards hee the said Joseph Warner Confessed that too men stole them & delivered them to him upon the Roade to make sale of And hee further sayeth that the said Joseph Warner had solde the too Black Steares & the Brindled Steare to one Lawrence Cripps of Ridgmont Butcher for Twelve pounds & Tenn shillings as hee supposeth & that hee sayeth the said Joseph Warner told him hee had Received of the said Lawrence Cripps eight pounds or thereabouts & that hee found about the said Joseph Warner seaven pounds eighteene shillings & one penney And after hee was Apprehended hee found a Browne horse as was in the possession of the said Joseph Warner which said horse hee said hee Borrowed & further sayeth not. Tho Snagge
Date free text
Production date
From: 1677 To: 1678
No. of pieces: 1
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