Deposition: Joseph Warner, Moggerhanger, lab. 5 December 1677. Denies theft of steers, which belonged to Ric. Humphrey. J.W. had agreed to sell them for him at Leighton Market. The Examinacon of Joseph Warner of Mogerhanger in the parish of Blunham in the County aforesaid Lab taken the fifth daie of December Anno Dni 1677 This Examinant sayeth that as Concerneinge the too Black Steares & the Brindled Steare that he sayeth hee did not Steale neither of them But that hee had them from one Richard Humfrey A Butcher of London & one other person as was with him to drive them to Leighton Markett to sell them therefor the said Humfrey And for soe doeinge hee sayed hee would give him Content And now further hee sayeth that the said Humfrey lent him the Browne horse to sell the said Cattle & for the said Cattle hee sold them to one Butcher for Twelve pounds and aleaven shillings And that hee Received of the said Butcher eight pounds & that date seavenight hee was to Receive the Rest & that the said Humfrey was to meet him att Wooborn att the last Alehouse as they goe to Leighton And there to Receive of him his monie & his horse & to give him satisfaccon for his paines And hee further sayeth that the said Richard Humfrey told him hee durst not com into the Towne to sell the said Cattle for feare of beinge arrested because hee was in debt And further sayeth not. Tho Snagg
Date free text
1677 - 1678
Production date
From: 1677 To: 1678
No. of pieces: 1
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