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    Deposition:Richard Harris, Tempsford, butcher. 26 July 1673. --- Returned to his shop after 3 days' absence, found window broken open, £3 6s. 4d., 2 bands, a flaxen shirt, 1 pr trousers, 1 pr stockings, gone. Suspects Th. Eastwell, who confesses he went to the shop to borrow weights, and 'is well known in the said town to be a pilfering theevish fellowife' The information of Richard Harris of Temsford in the said county butcher taken upon oath before me Gaius Squier one of his Maiesties Justices of peace in the same county the 26 day of July 1673. This informant saith that on Monday last he went from home and returned on Thursday morning after and havving left the key of his shop at one Studds his house an Innkeeper in the same town of Temsford (where he usually left it when he went abroad) he went to fetch it, and some there told him, that the window where he lodged being a room within his shop was broken open, which he found to be true, and that he had taken out of his chest three pounds six shillings and foure pence in money two bands and a flaxen shirt, alsoe a paire of trowsers and a pair of stockings which he left upon his bed, And he saith that he hath in suspicion of stealing the said money and goods one Thomas Eastwell of the same town, for this informant saith that the said Eastwell confessed unto him that he went to Studds his house on Tuesday last when this informt was absent and tooke the key of his shop which usually hangs up in a common place in the house, and went thither to looke for a weight to weigh cheeses saying that one Parkin of the same town sent him which the said Parkin denied to this informant saying he was a lying rogue, And this informant saith that Eastwell is well known in the said town to be a pilfering and theevish fellow, and hath been heretofore taken (as he hath heard) stealing of grain from one Lettice of the same town. Gaius Squier
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    From: 1673 To: 1673
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