• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: Thomas Carter. Ikwell, Northill. Yeoman. 9 March 1671. William Pateman, butcher, hired him, his cart and 2 servants, HenryHanaway and Th.Lee, to carry dung out of the yard. Oliver Brownall, Pateman's servant, threw dirt on Henry Hanaway in jest, and would not stop playing about. Th. Carter said he would throw his fork at his legs, which he did, but Oliver stooped down, and it hit him on the head. v. presentment 13. Coroner's inquest 15. Mary Pateman, wife of William. As above. Thomas Lee. Northill. As above. Henry Hanaway. As above. The examination and confession of Thos Carter of Ickwell in the parish of Northill yeoman taken before sir Henry Palmer kngt. and Sam. Bedford esq JPs for the county on the 9th March 1670 This ex. saith that he (with his cart, Thos Carter, Henry Hanaway & Thos Lee servants of the sd. Thos Carter) was hyred by Wm Pateman of Ickwell aforesd. Butcher, to carry dung out of the yard of the Wm Pateman and that being there upon the eight day of this inst. March, Oliver Brownell servant to the sd. William Pateman comeing into the yard with calves on horsback did with his switch over the shoulder strike and afterwards throw dirt on Henry Hanaway one of the servants of the sd. Thos Carter and after he had dined did throw dirt againe severall times upon the sd. Henry Hanaway, and then went into the slaughterhouse and did throw garbish at the sd. Henry and the rest that were filling dung-cart, whereupon this ex. did lock the sd. Oliver into the sd. slaughterhouse hopeing to have kept him ther quiet but the sd Oliver comeing out at the windowe did continue to throwe dirt againe as before; then the sd. Thos Carter wisht him to forbear, for they did not come to play but to worke, and the sd. Oliver still continueing to throw dirt the sd. Thos Carter told him that if he would not forbear, he would throw his fork at his leggs, which he did accordingly, the sd. Oliver then standing upright but stooping when the fork came, the fork hitt him on the head. The information of Mary Pateman wife of Wm Pateman of Ickwell aforesd. butcher taken same day. Sayeth that Thos Carter of Northill with his two servants Henry Hanaway and Thos Lee were yesterday being the 8th day of March filling dung-cart in the yard of Wm Pateman her husband, and that Oliver Brownell her husband's apprentice comeing into the yard with calves and sett up their horses and dined and after dinner she saw her servant Oliver Brownell in a jesting manner thrwo dirt upon Henry Hanaway aforesd., and the sd. Henry likewise threw dirt againe upon the sd. Oliver and this severall times, whereupon she persuaded her servant Oliver to forbeare and not hinder their work but still he persisted, whereupon the sd. Thos Carter did severall times perswade him the sd. Oliver to forbear, And the sd. Henry Hanaway told him if he would not leave fooling he would be gone home, being all over dirt, But still the sd. Oliver refused to give over throwing dirt, whereupon she went into the house & staid there some time and comeing out of the house she saw the sd. Oliver takeing up dirt in his hands, And heard the sd. Thos Carter say, Noll, leave or els Ile throw my fork at your leggs, whereupon the sd. Thos Carter threw the fork, and the sd. Oliver stoopeing, it did hitt him in the head and wounded him. This jesting continued an hour and half or thereabouts. The information of Thomas Lee of Northill aforesd. labourer being likewise upon oath as aforesd. Sayth that yesterday being the 8th of March Hee with his master Thos Carter, and Henry Hanaway were filling dung-cart in the yard of William Pateman And that Oliver Brownell Aprrentice to the sd. William Pateman did severall [times] in a jesting manner throw dirt upon the sd. Henry Hanaway and Hanry Hanaway on the sd. Oliver, and that he heard the sd. Thos Carter bid him forbeare telling him they came to worke, not play, and likewise his Dame Mary Pateman and Henry Hanaway severall times desired to forbeare throwing dirt but he still refused for a long time, whereupon the sd. Oliver Brownell running into his master's shop the sd. Thos Carter lockt him in, and put the key in his pockett, but the sd Oliver opening the shopp window cam out againe and continued to throw dirt. And after the sd. Thos Carter told him if he would not leave he would throw his forck at his leggs, which he did, and the sd. Oliver stooping the forck hitt him on the head and wounded him. The information of Henry Hanaway of Northill labourer uppon oath taken before us as aforesd. Sayeth that yesterday being the 8th of March, Hee with his master Thos Carter & Thos Lee were filling dung-cart in the yard of Wm Pateman of Ickwell in the parish of Northill And that Oliver Brownell Apprentice to the sd. William Pateman did severall times in a jesting manner throw dirt upon this ex. and he likewise upon the sd. Oliver, whereupon his master desired the sd. Oliver to forbear telling him they came to work not to play, And that his Dame Mary Pateman severall times desired him to forbeare throwing dirt but he still refused for a long time And that the sd. Oliver Brownell running into his masters shopp the sd. Thomas Carter Lockt him in and putt the key in his pockett, but the sd. Oliver opening the shopp window came out againe and continued to throw dirt, where upon the sd. Thos Carter told him if he would not leave he would throw his forck at his leggs which he did, And the sd. Oliver stooping the fork hitt him in the head and wounded him.
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    From: 1671 To: 1671
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