Richard Jeyes, alias Jennings. 10 October 1670. Bought a horned wether sheep from William Bolton. Put it on John Nottingham's ground at Bromham. Later he exchanged the sheep for a ewe, with Ed.Pilkington, allowing him 2s. and the ewe's fleece. William Stef. Stagden. Husbandman. October 11 1670. Lost a sheep out of his flock, and going to Spurge Mead in Bromham found it in the posession of Ed.Pilkington. Edward Pilkington. Bromham. Yeoman. October 11 1670. He got the horned wether by exchange with R.Jeyes. The examination of Richard Jeyes alias Jenings butcher of Stageden Beds. taken before John Boteler JP on the 10th Oct. 1670 This ex. saythe that about a fortnight before midsomer last past hee bought an horned weather ship [sheep] at William Boltons house in Pavenham in the county aforesd. of a person whom hee never saw before nor since: and that the sd. ship was delivered to the sd. ex. in the close adjoying to the house of the sd. William Boltons aforesd; and that the sd. ex. att the same tyme & place bought two other ship of the sd. WilliamBolton of Pavenham aforesd., and that the sd. ex. killed the two sheep he bought of William Bolton at Henry Lowins house of Bromham and the other ship he put into Jn Notinghams ground in Bromham and further saith that he the sd. ex. about midsomer last did exchange this ship with Edwife Pilkinton of Bromham for an Ewe allowing the sd. Edwife two shillings and the fleece of the sd. ewe; and further this ex. saith not. The information upon oath of Wm Stef husbandman of Stagsden in the County of Beds. taken before me Wm Boteler JP on Oct 11th, 1670 This informant saith that hee lost a weather horned ship out of his flock in Stageden feild betwixt Lady Day last past & May day last and by inquiry of one of his neighbours (called Thos Searl of the sd. town) hee the sd. Wm Stef heard that such ship which lost was in Spurdge mead in the parish of Bromham and the sd. informant in the mead aforesd. found the sd. horned sheep on Monday the tenth of October 1670 in the possession of Edwife Pilkington of Bromham; and further this inf. upon his oath doth own this horned sheep to be his; and further saith not. The information of Edwife Pilkington of Bromham yeoman in the county of Beds. taken the same day. This inf. saith that about midsomer last past being at the mill in Bromham hee met with Ric Jennings alias Jeyes washing his sheep at the sd. mills, and there the sd. inf. made an exchange with the sd. Richard Jennings between an ew of the sd. inf. and an horned weather ship the sd. Richard Jennings allowing the sd. informant two shillings and the fleece of the ew in the exchange; and that the sd. inf. hath hitherto kept the sd. horned sheep and at the time of finding of this ship aforesd. by Wm Steff the owner of the sd. sheep (as hee upon his oath confesseth) was in Spurge mead in the parish of Bromham which was in the occ. of Edwife Pilkington of Bromham aforesd; and further this inf. saith not.
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From: 1671 To: 1671
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