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    Depositions: Thomas Basterfeild, Marston. Alehousekeeper. 18 January. 1671, and wife Dinah. The 6 men brought a sheep to his alehouse. They said it was S.Keenee's sheep. His wife says she heard'a whisperinge amongst them concerning what should become of the shepskin and some of them said putt stones into it and sink it in the brooke.' Dinah Basterfeild wife of Thomas. As above. The information of Thos Basterfeild of Marston Mortaine alehouse keeper taken Jan 13th 1670 before Thos Snagg JP This ex. sayeth that about all saints daie last past Samuell Keenes Thos Hull Jn Watts Wm Hocckett Jn Hocckett and Jn Beamont all inhabs of Marston brought a shepp about six of the clock in the night and then killed boyled and eate it and went awaie about tenn or eleaven of the clock in the sd. night And hee further sayeth that hee heard them saye that the sd. sheep was Samuell Keenes his, And hee likewise sayeth that hee heard his wife saye shee heard A whisperinge amongest them concerneinge what should become of the shepskin and some of them sayd putt Stones into it and sink it in the brooke and further sayeth not. The information of Dinah Basterfeild wife of him the sd. Thomas Basterfeild taken as above said This inf. sayeth that about all saints daie last past Samuell Keenes Jn Watts Thos Hull Wm Hocckett and Jn Beamont came in the evening about six of the clock and brought a shepp unto her house in Marston aforesd, And there they killed it and shee asked wherefore they brought it thither and the sd. Sam. Keenes sd. that it was his owne and shee denyed them the dressing of it and they the sd. parties then sd. they would dresse it themselves, and then they boyled the same, and eate it, and about tenn of the clock in the night they went awaie, and she further asayeth that the sd. parites spent not above three shillings in Ale, and shee allsoe sayeth that shee heard some of the said parties saie concerninge the shepskin, what shall wee doe with it, and some of them answered and said take stones or clotts (?0) and sink it in the brooke but which of them soesd. shee knoweth not, and further shee doth not depose.
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    From: 1671 To: 1671
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