William Peake, Eaton Socon. Labourer. 26 August 1670. Charged with breaking in and stealing cloth and other goods from Edmund Hatley's shop in St.Neots. Says his wife is a peddler, and the cloth is hers. Sarah, wife of William Peake. 26 August 1670. Her husband is now a peddler, since their marriage. Denies stealing the cloth - she has had it for 2 months. The examination of Wm Peake labourer taken the 16th day of August 1670 This ex. being charged with the felonious takeing of a slipe of cloath being now shewed unto him at the time of his examination and severall other parcells of goods out of the shop of Edm. Hatley imbroyderer at St. Neots by breakeing open the sd. shopp - hee doth deny the breakeing open the sd. shopp or stealeing the sd. Cloth or committing the sd. felony but saith that hee hath bin marryed to his sd. wife about Ten weekes who was a seller of Pedling wares and a Traveller about the Country and that the sd. slipe of cloth was his sd. wifes at the time of his sd. marriage and further hee saith not. The examination of Sarah the wife of William Peake labourer taken the xvith day of August Anno dni 1670 This examinant saith That her husband is a Traveller and hath no setled habitation and that they have bin marryed together about ten weekes and gett theire livelihood by buying and selling of Pedling wares - and that they came together thorough St Neots on Saturday night last about Nine of the Clocke and came the next way from thence to Eaton Socon to the howse of Alice Peake widdowe her husbands Mother where they usually make aboade when they come that way and staid there all Sunday and untill Munday morning last and beeing charged with the breaking open the shop of Mr Hatleife in St Neots and takeing out of the same severall parcella of Lynnen and other goods to a great valew and amongst the rest a little slipe of Cloath beeing now shewed unto her at the time of her examination. Shee the said Examinant doth utterly deny the breakeing open the said Shopp or committing the said Felony but saith that the said Mr Eatley on Munday last searching the howse of the said Alice Peake her Mother in lawe at Eaton aforesaid tooke from her this examinan and her said husband the said slipe of Cloath pretending the same to bee his the said Mr Hatleyes and to have bin stolne from him out of the said Shopp but this Examinant saith that Shee bought the said slipe of Cloath but when or of whome Shee knowes not saveing that shoe hath had the same this Twelve Monthes and further saith not Taken the day and years first above written before us wife Beecher Wm Boteler John Neale Will Gery Wm Foster The mark of Sarah the wife of William Peake
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From: 1670 To: 1671
No. of pieces: 1
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