• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: Th. Clarke. Stanbridge. Labourer. 9 January 1671. Went to assist the Constable. John Fox wounded him in the head with a pistol. The information of Thomas Clarke of Stanbridge Beds. aforesd., laborer taken upon oath before St. Johns Chernocke Bart., Fra. Wingate and St. John. Thomson Esq.s three J.PS. on the 9th January 1670 Who sayth that upon the 5th day of May last past This informant being goeing from worke to his owne house in Stanbridge aforesd, he heard there were certaine persons at one Thomas Doggetts an alehouse keeper, who were suspected to have committed a Robbery. And that the Constable and soem other persons whom he had charged to his Assistance were gon to apprehend them upon the sd. suspition. Wherefore this inf. did alsoe goe imediately thither to the Assistance of the sd. Constable and running into the Barne, one of the sd. persons who afterwards declared his name to be John Fox did discharge a pistoll at this informant and gave him a very desperate wound in the head, which sd. John Fox was then taken and stands now committed a Prisoner at his Majesties Gaole at Bedford: and further this inf. deposeth not.
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    From: 1671 To: 1671
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    No. of pieces: 1
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