William Halls, Biggleswade, Labourer. 20 May 1670
Saw John Crane of Bedford Houghton, labourer at the Biggleswade horse fair, riding at a gallop, throw down John Parmenton and seriously injure him The information of Wm Halls of Bigleswade labourer taken upon oath before Robt. Audley Esq., J.P. on the 23rd May, 1670 This inf. saith that on the three and twentieth day of Maye aforesaide he saw Jn Crane of Bedford Houghton in the county of Bedford labourer at Bigleswade in the county aforesd. in the horse Faire there riding a Gallop & with his horse throw downe John Parmenton of Bigleswade aforesd. labourer with such violence that the sd. John Parmenton seemed to be dead when he was taken up and that he see the sd. John Parmenton about halfe a quarter of an houre afterwards ina very bad and dangerous condition by reason of the saide fall in a house to which he was carried & farther this Informant saith not.
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From: 1670 To: 1671
No. of pieces: 1
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