• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition: Eliz. Harper, H. Conquest, widow 28 Apr. 1670 Cf. Recog. 7: was nurse of bastard child of Thomas Page jun. at 2s. per week. One Warner carried it away from her house. The Information of Eliz. Harper of Houghton Conquest Beds. widdow taken the 28th daie of Aprill 1670 before Sir St. John Charnock Bart and Robert Crompton Esq. J.P. This Informant sayeth that shee was reteined by the wife of one Thos Page of the same towne blacksmyth to Nurse a Bastard Childe promiseinge to give her Satisfaction for the same about the Sundaye after Shrovetuesday last past and that hee the sd. Page sent his servant unto this informant and shee came unto the howse of the sd. Thomas Page his wife and hee beinge there togeither Whoe said that a Mischance was befallen them and asked her to nurse the Childe And this was spoken in the presence of her husband and afterwards the sd. good wife Page went upp into her Chamber and then and there did absolutly agree to give her this informant after the Rate of two shillings by the Week for the nurseinge of the same Childe and that the sd. Childe was with her about eight weeks and three daies and all that time was satisfied for the same accordinge to the aforesd. Bargaine by the sd. Page's wife and the yonger sonne of the sd. Thomas Page And that about the twentieth of Aprill last past in the eveninge A certaine younger Man came unto her howse and desired to see the childe which the Informant brought unto him and hee payeinge her all Shee desired or demanded for her charges in Keepeinge it carried it awaie it being five shillings But this informant knew not the person but saied hee was called by the name of Warner and further sayeth not Note Sir St. John Charnock hath this recognizance and the sonn of the sd. Thomas Page is found at the last Quarter Sessions to be the Putative father of the sd. Bastard Child for that the said Thomas Page may be discharged upon that Recog if there be nothing else against him.
  • Date free text
    1670 - 1671
  • Production date
    From: 1670 To: 1671
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description