• Reference
  • Title
    Presentment of the Grand Jury held 3rd Sept., 1668 The Grand Inquest for the County above said doe present as followeth: Imprimis wee doe present Williamm Aspel and Eliz his wife and William Shepperson of Pertenhall for not comeing to heare divine service for foure sabbaoth-days last past. Item wee doe present Humphrey Thurgood and Richard Thurgood of Southill for not comeing to church for four Sundays last past; and Humphrey Thurgood for haveing unlawfull meetings at his house. Sign: Geo Nodes, Humphrey Fyshe Dan. Brace, Geo. Stoughton, Noah Nealel Nath. Todd, Henry Sam, Simon Tayler, William Freeman, Geo. Mordaunt, John Stile, William Lingham, Thomas Kentt.
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  • Production date
    From: 1668 To: 1668
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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